Pull the latest code from main branch Feature branch will ahve code related to features and will be updated as and when the functionality is added configure following files: a. config.properties: - Currently it's running on iOS simulator - So mobile set up (appium and Xcode) should be available to execute the scripts - Specify the input test data excel path - Specify the output files path
b. pom.xml : - this file contains all the maven dependencies
/src/main/java/com/ascendum/Cantaloupe/OutputFiles : This is the path where all the output generated reports are stored. Every excel report has unique name /src/main/java/com/ascendum/Cantaloupe/PageActions : This folder contains files for each page and the actions performed on these pages /src/main/java/com/ascendum/Cantaloupe/PageLocators : This folder contains files with locator details on different pages /src/main/java/com/ascendum/Cantaloupe/resources/Cantaloupe.xls : This input file contains test data for validation