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cache hit timing optimization
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tinebp committed Oct 20, 2024
1 parent 8f29ad5 commit b6bd646
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Showing 9 changed files with 265 additions and 358 deletions.
15 changes: 4 additions & 11 deletions hw/rtl/cache/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module VX_bank_flush #(
output wire flush_init,
output wire flush_valid,
output wire [`CS_LINE_SEL_BITS-1:0] flush_line,
output wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0] flush_way,
output wire [`CS_WAY_SEL_WIDTH-1:0] flush_way,
input wire flush_ready,
input wire mshr_empty,
input wire bank_empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,17 +113,10 @@ module VX_bank_flush #(
assign flush_valid = (state == STATE_FLUSH);
assign flush_line = counter[`CS_LINE_SEL_BITS-1:0];

if (WRITEBACK && `CS_WAY_SEL_BITS > 0) begin : g_flush_way
VX_decoder #(
) ctr_decoder (
.sel_in (counter[`CS_LINE_SEL_BITS +: `CS_WAY_SEL_BITS]),
.data_in (1'b1),
.data_out (flush_way)
if (WRITEBACK && (NUM_WAYS > 1)) begin : g_flush_way
assign flush_way = counter[`CS_LINE_SEL_BITS +: `CS_WAY_SEL_BITS];
end else begin : g_flush_way_all
assign flush_way = {NUM_WAYS{1'b1}};
assign flush_way = '0;

177 changes: 63 additions & 114 deletions hw/rtl/cache/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

123 changes: 56 additions & 67 deletions hw/rtl/cache/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,46 +41,31 @@ module VX_cache_data #(
input wire read,
input wire write,
input wire [`CS_LINE_SEL_BITS-1:0] line_idx,
input wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0] evict_way,
input wire [`CS_WAY_SEL_WIDTH-1:0] evict_way,
input wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0] tag_matches,
input wire [`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] fill_data,
input wire [`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] write_word,
input wire [WORD_SIZE-1:0] write_byteen,
input wire [`UP(`CS_WORD_SEL_BITS)-1:0] word_idx,
// outputs
output wire [`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] read_data,
output wire line_dirty,
output wire [`CS_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] evict_data,
output wire [`CS_WAY_SEL_WIDTH-1:0] way_idx,
output wire [`CS_LINE_WIDTH-1:0] read_data,
output wire evict_dirty,
output wire [LINE_SIZE-1:0] evict_byteen
`UNUSED_VAR (stall)

localparam BYTEENW = (WRITE_ENABLE != 0) ? LINE_SIZE : 1;

wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] line_rdata;

if (WRITEBACK != 0) begin : g_writeback
localparam BYTEEN_DATAW = 1 + ((DIRTY_BYTES != 0) ? LINE_SIZE : 0);
wire [`LOG2UP(NUM_WAYS)-1:0] evict_way_idx, evict_way_idx_r;

VX_onehot_encoder #(
) fill_way_enc (
.data_in (evict_way),
.data_out (evict_way_idx),
`UNUSED_PIN (valid_out)

`BUFFER_EX(evict_way_idx_r, evict_way_idx, ~stall, 1);

wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][BYTEEN_DATAW-1:0] byteen_rdata;
wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][BYTEEN_DATAW-1:0] byteen_wdata;
wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][BYTEEN_DATAW-1:0] byteen_wren;

for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_WAYS; ++i) begin : g_byteen_wdata
wire evict = fill || flush;
wire evict_way_en = (NUM_WAYS == 1) || evict_way[i];
wire evict_way_en = (NUM_WAYS == 1) || (evict_way == i);
wire dirty_data = write; // only asserted on writes
wire dirty_wren = init || (evict && evict_way_en) || (write && tag_matches[i]);
if (DIRTY_BYTES != 0) begin : g_dirty_bytes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,54 +106,47 @@ module VX_cache_data #(

if (DIRTY_BYTES != 0) begin : g_line_dirty_and_byteen
assign {line_dirty, evict_byteen} = byteen_rdata[evict_way_idx_r];
assign {evict_dirty, evict_byteen} = byteen_rdata[way_idx];
end else begin : g_line_dirty
assign line_dirty = byteen_rdata[evict_way_idx_r];
assign evict_dirty = byteen_rdata[way_idx];
assign evict_byteen = '1;

assign evict_data = line_rdata[evict_way_idx_r];

end else begin : g_no_writeback
`UNUSED_VAR (init)
`UNUSED_VAR (flush)
assign line_dirty = 0;
assign evict_data = '0;
assign evict_dirty = 0;
assign evict_byteen = '0;

for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_WAYS; ++i) begin : g_data_store
wire [`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] line_wdata;
wire [BYTEENW-1:0] line_wren;
wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] line_rdata;

wire fill_way_en = (NUM_WAYS == 1) || evict_way[i];
if (WRITE_ENABLE) begin : g_data_store
// create a single write-enable block ram to reduce area overhead
wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] line_wdata;
wire [NUM_WAYS-1:0][LINE_SIZE-1:0] line_wren;
wire line_write;
wire line_read;

if (WRITE_ENABLE != 0) begin : g_wdata
for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_WAYS; ++i) begin : g_wdata
wire fill_way_en = (NUM_WAYS == 1) || (evict_way == i);
wire [`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][WORD_SIZE-1:0] write_mask;
for (genvar j = 0; j < `CS_WORDS_PER_LINE; ++j) begin : g_write_mask
wire word_en = (`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE == 1) || (word_idx == j);
assign write_mask[j] = write_byteen & {WORD_SIZE{word_en}};
assign line_wdata = (fill && fill_way_en) ? fill_data : {`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE{write_word}};
assign line_wren = {LINE_SIZE{fill && fill_way_en}}
| ({LINE_SIZE{write && tag_matches[i]}} & write_mask);

end else begin : g_ro_wdata
`UNUSED_VAR (write)
`UNUSED_VAR (write_byteen)
`UNUSED_VAR (write_word)
`UNUSED_VAR (word_idx)
assign line_wdata = fill_data;
assign line_wren = fill_way_en;
assign line_wdata[i] = fill ? fill_data : {`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE{write_word}};
assign line_wren[i] = {LINE_SIZE{fill && fill_way_en}}
| ({LINE_SIZE{write && tag_matches[i]}} & write_mask);

wire line_write = fill || (write && WRITE_ENABLE);
wire line_read = read || ((fill || flush) && WRITEBACK);
assign line_write = fill || (write && WRITE_ENABLE);
assign line_read = read || ((fill || flush) && WRITEBACK);

VX_sp_ram #(
.OUT_REG (1)
) data_store (
.clk (clk),
Expand All @@ -178,35 +156,46 @@ module VX_cache_data #(
.wren (line_wren),
.addr (line_idx),
.wdata (line_wdata),
.rdata (line_rdata[i])
.rdata (line_rdata)
end else begin : g_data_store
`UNUSED_VAR (write)
`UNUSED_VAR (write_byteen)
`UNUSED_VAR (write_word)
`UNUSED_VAR (word_idx)

// we don't merge the ways into a single block ram due to WREN overhead
for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_WAYS; ++i) begin : g_ways
wire fill_way_en = (NUM_WAYS == 1) || (evict_way == i);
VX_sp_ram #(
.OUT_REG (1)
) data_store (
.clk (clk),
.reset (reset),
.read (read),
.write (fill && fill_way_en),
.wren (1'b1),
.addr (line_idx),
.wdata (fill_data),
.rdata (line_rdata[i])

wire [`LOG2UP(NUM_WAYS)-1:0] hit_way_idx;
wire [`CS_WAY_SEL_WIDTH-1:0] hit_idx;

VX_onehot_encoder #(
) hit_idx_enc (
) way_idx_enc (
.data_in (tag_matches),
.data_out (hit_way_idx),
.data_out (hit_idx),
`UNUSED_PIN (valid_out)

if (`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE > 1) begin : g_read_data
// order the data layout to perform ways multiplexing last.
// this allows converting way index to binary in parallel with BRAM read and word indexing.
wire [`CS_WORDS_PER_LINE-1:0][NUM_WAYS-1:0][`CS_WORD_WIDTH-1:0] transposed_rdata;
VX_transpose #(
) transpose (
.data_in (line_rdata),
.data_out (transposed_rdata)
assign read_data = transposed_rdata[word_idx][hit_way_idx];
end else begin : g_read_data_1w
`UNUSED_VAR (word_idx)
assign read_data = line_rdata[hit_way_idx];
`BUFFER_EX(way_idx, (read ? hit_idx : evict_way), ~stall, 1);

assign read_data = line_rdata[way_idx];

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hw/rtl/cache/VX_cache_define.vh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@

Expand Down

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