dummy commit #144
dummy commit #144
Travis CI / Travis CI - Pull Request
Jun 26, 2024 in 3h 23m 49s
Build Failed
The build failed, just like the previous build.
This is a pull request build.
It is running a build against the merge commit, after merging #144 dummy commit.
Any changes that have been made to the tensor-core branch before the build ran are also included.
Jobs and Stages
This build has four jobs, running in parallel.
Stage 1: test
This stage failed.
Job | Compiler | ENV | OS | State |
783.1 regression32 | gcc | TOOLDIR=$HOME/tools | Linux | failed |
783.2 regression64 | gcc | TOOLDIR=$HOME/tools | Linux | failed |
783.3 config | gcc | TOOLDIR=$HOME/tools | Linux | passed |
783.4 debug | gcc | TOOLDIR=$HOME/tools | Linux | passed |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | C++ |
Operating System | Linux (Focal) |
Compiler Version | gcc |
Build Configuration
"language": "cpp",
"os": [
"dist": "focal",
"compiler": [
"addons": {
"apt": {
"packages": [
"env": [
"cache": {
"directories": [
"before_install": [
"if [ ! -d \"$TOOLDIR\" ] || [ -z \"$(ls -A $TOOLDIR)\" ] || [ \"$(cat \"$TOOLDIR/version.txt\")\" != \"v0.4\" ]; then rm -rf $TOOLDIR; mkdir -p $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build && cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build; ../configure --tooldir=$TOOLDIR; ci/toolchain_install.sh --all; echo \"v0.3\" > \"$TOOLDIR/version.txt\"; else echo \"using existing tooldir build\"; fi",
"if [ ! -d \"$HOME/third_party\" ] || [ -z \"$(ls -A $HOME/third_party)\" ] || [ \"$(cat \"$HOME/third_party/version.txt\")\" != \"v0.2\" ]; then cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; make -C third_party > /dev/null; echo \"v0.2\" > \"third_party/version.txt\"; cp -rf third_party $HOME; else echo \"using existing third_party build\"; cp -rf $HOME/third_party $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; fi"
"install": [
"if [ ! -d \"$HOME/build$XLEN\" ] || [ -z \"$(ls -A $HOME/build$XLEN)\" ] || [ \"$(cat \"$HOME/build$XLEN/version.txt\")\" != \"$TRAVIS_COMMIT\" ]; then mkdir -p $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build$XLEN && cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build$XLEN; ../configure --tooldir=$TOOLDIR --xlen=$XLEN; source ci/toolchain_env.sh; make build -s > /dev/null; echo \"$TRAVIS_COMMIT\" > version.txt; cp -rf $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build$XLEN $HOME; else echo \"using existing build for commit $TRAVIS_COMMIT\"; cp -rf $HOME/build$XLEN $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; fi"
"before_script": [
"source ci/toolchain_env.sh"
"stages": [
"name": "test"
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": "test",
"name": "regression32",
"env": [
"XLEN": "32"
"script": [
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --unittest",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --isa",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --kernel",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --synthesis",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --regression",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --opencl"
"stage": "test",
"name": "regression64",
"env": [
"XLEN": "64"
"script": [
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --isa",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --kernel",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --synthesis",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --regression",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --opencl"
"stage": "test",
"name": "config",
"env": [
"XLEN": "32"
"script": [
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --cluster",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --config"
"stage": "test",
"name": "debug",
"env": [
"XLEN": "32"
"script": [
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --debug",
"./ci/travis_run.py ./ci/regression.sh --stress"