A set of nvim, lvim, zsh, and tmux configuration files.
- Install git:
sudo apt install git -y
- Then run setup_zsh.sh script to install zsh, Jetbrain Nerdfont and powerline10k automatically
git clone https://github.com/vpeopleonatank/dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles/tool
bash $HOME/.dotfiles/tool/setup_zsh.sh
- Close current terminal then reopen it, change terminal font to Jetbrain Nerdfont, logout and relogin user to apply default shell to zsh,(make sure after this step, zsh is default shell)
- Open terminal then
(zsh 's plugins manager) will install plugins, config powerline10k (this configuration will appear for the first time) - Install cli programs (tmux, python3, nodejs, go, lazygit, lazydocker, rust, ripgrep, bat, exa, fdfind, zoxide, neovim, kitty terminal)
bash $HOME/.dotfiles/tool/install.sh
- Symlink and install neovim 's plugins
bash $HOME/.dotfiles/tool/config.sh
After running this step, type tmux
then Press Ctrl + q + I
to install tmux 's plugins
- Install lunarvim
LV_BRANCH='release-1.2/neovim-0.8' bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lunarvim/lunarvim/master/utils/installer/install.sh)
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev -y cd /tmp curl -o git.tar.gz https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.38.1.tar.gz tar -zxf git.tar.gz cd git-* make prefix=/usr/local/ sudo make prefix=/usr/local install
- Diff view current file with it in another branch
:DiffviewOpen [branch_name] -uno -- %