This c_compiler is based on:
... and get help from these books as reference.
├── src
│ ├── baricc.h # all func decl are placed here
│ ├── util.c # where to put common functions
│ ├── main.c # entry point
│ ├── tokenize.c #
│ ├── parse.c #
│ └── codegen.c #
├── test
│ └── test.c # place all test cases here
├── scripts
│ ├── # build binary by using cc and run test
│ ├── # build binary by itself
│ └── # run test by using self compiled binary
├── Dockerfile
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Makefile
└── sandbox # for exploring C. not used by src. (but used by test)
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec app bash
$ make test
- baricc.h
- tokenize.c
- parse.c
- codegen.c
- util.c
- main.c
make self > tmp.s
# use cc as linker.
cc -static -o baricc_self tmp.s
./baricc_self baricc.h tokenize.c parse.c codegen.c util.c
- +, -, *, /
- ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
- !
- ||, &&
- a++, a--, ++a, --a
- bit: ~, |, &, ^
- for, while, if
- int, char
- void(implemented just as an alias to int..)
- pointer: ref, deref
- array
- sizeof
- enum
- struct
- break
- continue
- witch
- escape in string
- #include
- you can write #include, but this compiler just ignores all macro statement.
- nested type
- typedef struct A A;
- ternary operator
- static
- support ++, -- operation for pointer
- rest parameters
- macro
- stdout, stderr, FILE