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dhowe edited this page Sep 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions for Developers

Getting Started

How to view debugging messages?

  1. Open the TrackMeNot project folder in your text editor.

  2. Then and in trackmenot.js file change the variable var debug_ to true.

  3. Make sure you then reload the file to Chrome/Opera.

  4. Next, in Chrome/Opera go to chrome://extensions/ and enable or enter Developer mode.

  5. Under the TrackMeNot extension, click background page which should then pull up a new window that will log all debugging messages.

  6. If you are using Firefox, go to about:debugging#addons and click enable add-on debugging. Then under TrackMeNot on the same page click Debug which should open a new window with the debugging log.

How to test on various platforms?
