VTT 3rd year
This repository contains codes and pre-trained checkpoints of a place recognition model and scene change detector for Friend video.
- Ubuntu(Tested on v16.04)
- Python 2.7
- Pytorch(Tested on v1.2.0)
- NumPy
- opencv-python
- matplotlib
- jsonl
Pre-trained checkpoint should be placed in the root directory. You can download the checkpoint at here : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kmbdXIj9YkH_XYehaozdhwsRcAyCpadN
Input : video file (e.g. *.avi, *.mkv) Output : jsonl file (predicted class of video frames for every second, 1fps)
Below is an example of output jsonl file.
{"second": 0.0, "type": "location", "class": "none"}
{"second": 0.0, "type": "location", "class": "none"}
{"second": 52.0, "type": "location", "class": "cafe"}
{"second": 53.0, "type": "location", "class": "cafe"}
{"second": 314.0, "type": "location", "class": "home-livingroom-Monica"}
{"second": 315.0, "type": "location", "class": "home-livingroom-Monica"}
You can run following command on a terminal,
python demo.py --input_filename <video-file> --output_filename <output-file-name>
For example
python demo.py --input_filename input.mkv --output_filename output
Then output.jsonl file will be saved in the root directory
This project was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2017-0-01780, The technology development for event recognition/relational reasoning and learning knowledge based system for video understanding)