- Looking at all the reading scores and math scores in each table, students tend to do better in reading than in math.
- Looking at the top performing schools, bottom performing schools, and passing rates by school type, students have a much higher passing rate in charter schools (~95%) than in district schools (~74%).
- Looking at the summary of performance by spending ranges per student, it seems that students have a higher passing rate in the lower spending ranges (<$615).
# Import dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Create paths to csv files
school_path = "raw_data/schools_complete.csv"
student_path = "raw_data/students_complete.csv"
# Read the csv files
schools = pd.read_csv(school_path)
schools = schools.rename(columns={"name": "school"}) # so we can merge later
students = pd.read_csv(student_path)
students = pd.DataFrame(students)
# Calculate total schools, students, and budget of district
total_schools = schools['School ID'].count()
total_students = schools['size'].sum()
total_budget = schools['budget'].sum()
# Calculate average math and reading scores
avg_math = students['math_score'].mean()
avg_read = students['reading_score'].mean()
# Calculate percent passing rates
pass_math = students.loc[students['math_score'] >= 70]
per_math = len(pass_math)/ total_students * 100
pass_read = students.loc[students['reading_score'] >= 70]
per_read = len(pass_read)/ total_students * 100
overall = (per_math + per_read)/2
# Create dataframe for district summary
district_summary = pd.DataFrame({"Total Schools": total_schools,
"Total Students": total_students,
"Total Budget": total_budget,
"Average Math Score": avg_math,
"Average Reading Score": avg_read,
"% Passing Math": per_math,
"% Passing Reading": per_read,
"% Overall Passing Rate": [overall]})
#Reorganize columns with double brackets
district_summary = district_summary[["Total Schools", "Total Students", "Total Budget",
"Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score",
"% Passing Math", "% Passing Reading", "% Overall Passing Rate"]]
# Format to "$0,000.00"
district_summary['Total Budget'] = district_summary['Total Budget'].map('${:,.2f}'.format)
Total Schools | Total Students | Total Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | % Overall Passing Rate | |
0 | 15 | 39170 | $24,649,428.00 | 78.985371 | 81.87784 | 74.980853 | 85.805463 | 80.393158 |
# Merge schools and students
merge_df = pd.merge(schools, students, on="school")
merge_df = merge_df.drop(['School ID', 'Student ID'], axis=1)
# Set school as index, get type, total students, total budget and per student budget
school_index = schools.set_index('school')
school_type = school_index['type']
school_students = school_index['size']
school_budget = school_index['budget']
psb = school_budget/school_students
# Set school as index and groupby school for merge_df to get average scores by school
index = merge_df.set_index('school')
grouped = index.groupby(['school'])
# Get average math and reading score
school_avg_math = grouped['math_score'].mean()
school_avg_read = grouped['reading_score'].mean()
# Calculate percent that passed math
total_stu = grouped['name'].count()
grouped_math = pass_math.groupby('school')
school_pass_math = grouped_math['name'].count()/total_stu*100
# Calculate percent that passed reading
grouped_reading = pass_read.groupby('school')
school_pass_read = grouped_reading['name'].count()/total_stu*100
# Calculate overall passing rate
overall_pass = (school_pass_math + school_pass_read)/2
# Create dataframe for school summary
school_summary = pd.DataFrame({"School Type": school_type,
"Total Students": school_students,
"Total School Budget": school_budget,
"Per Student Budget": psb,
"Average Math Score": school_avg_math,
"Average Reading Score": school_avg_read,
"% Passing Math": school_pass_math,
"% Passing Reading": school_pass_read,
"Overall Passing Rate": overall_pass})
# Reorganize school summary columns
school_summary = school_summary[["School Type", "Total Students", "Total School Budget",
"Per Student Budget", "Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score",
"% Passing Math", "% Passing Reading", "Overall Passing Rate"]]
# Format to "$0,000.00"
school_summary['Total School Budget'] = school_summary['Total School Budget'].map('${:,.2f}'.format)
school_summary['Per Student Budget'] = school_summary['Per Student Budget'].map('${:,.2f}'.format)
School Type | Total Students | Total School Budget | Per Student Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Bailey High School | District | 4976 | $3,124,928.00 | $628.00 | 77.048432 | 81.033963 | 66.680064 | 81.933280 | 74.306672 |
Cabrera High School | Charter | 1858 | $1,081,356.00 | $582.00 | 83.061895 | 83.975780 | 94.133477 | 97.039828 | 95.586652 |
Figueroa High School | District | 2949 | $1,884,411.00 | $639.00 | 76.711767 | 81.158020 | 65.988471 | 80.739234 | 73.363852 |
Ford High School | District | 2739 | $1,763,916.00 | $644.00 | 77.102592 | 80.746258 | 68.309602 | 79.299014 | 73.804308 |
Griffin High School | Charter | 1468 | $917,500.00 | $625.00 | 83.351499 | 83.816757 | 93.392371 | 97.138965 | 95.265668 |
# Create top performing schools summary by passing rate
top_summary = school_summary.loc[school_summary['Overall Passing Rate'] > 90]
top_summary.sort_values(['Overall Passing Rate'], ascending=False).head()
School Type | Total Students | Total School Budget | Per Student Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Cabrera High School | Charter | 1858 | $1,081,356.00 | $582.00 | 83.061895 | 83.975780 | 94.133477 | 97.039828 | 95.586652 |
Thomas High School | Charter | 1635 | $1,043,130.00 | $638.00 | 83.418349 | 83.848930 | 93.272171 | 97.308869 | 95.290520 |
Pena High School | Charter | 962 | $585,858.00 | $609.00 | 83.839917 | 84.044699 | 94.594595 | 95.945946 | 95.270270 |
Griffin High School | Charter | 1468 | $917,500.00 | $625.00 | 83.351499 | 83.816757 | 93.392371 | 97.138965 | 95.265668 |
Wilson High School | Charter | 2283 | $1,319,574.00 | $578.00 | 83.274201 | 83.989488 | 93.867718 | 96.539641 | 95.203679 |
# Create bottom performing schools summary by passing rate
bottom_summary = school_summary.loc[school_summary['Overall Passing Rate'] < 75]
bottom_summary.sort_values(['Overall Passing Rate'], ascending=True).head()
School Type | Total Students | Total School Budget | Per Student Budget | Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Rodriguez High School | District | 3999 | $2,547,363.00 | $637.00 | 76.842711 | 80.744686 | 66.366592 | 80.220055 | 73.293323 |
Figueroa High School | District | 2949 | $1,884,411.00 | $639.00 | 76.711767 | 81.158020 | 65.988471 | 80.739234 | 73.363852 |
Huang High School | District | 2917 | $1,910,635.00 | $655.00 | 76.629414 | 81.182722 | 65.683922 | 81.316421 | 73.500171 |
Johnson High School | District | 4761 | $3,094,650.00 | $650.00 | 77.072464 | 80.966394 | 66.057551 | 81.222432 | 73.639992 |
Ford High School | District | 2739 | $1,763,916.00 | $644.00 | 77.102592 | 80.746258 | 68.309602 | 79.299014 | 73.804308 |
# Math scores by grade
ninth = students.loc[students['grade']=='9th'].groupby("school")
ninth_math = ninth['math_score'].mean()
tenth = students.loc[students['grade']=='10th'].groupby("school")
tenth_math = tenth['math_score'].mean()
eleventh = students.loc[students['grade']=='11th'].groupby("school")
eleventh_math = eleventh['math_score'].mean()
twelfth = students.loc[students['grade']=='12th'].groupby("school")
twelfth_math = twelfth['math_score'].mean()
# Create dataframe for math scores summary
math_summary = pd.DataFrame({"9th": ninth_math,
"10th": tenth_math,
"11th": eleventh_math,
"12th": twelfth_math})
math_summary = math_summary[["9th","10th","11th","12th"]]
del math_summary.index.name
9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | |
Bailey High School | 77.083676 | 76.996772 | 77.515588 | 76.492218 |
Cabrera High School | 83.094697 | 83.154506 | 82.765560 | 83.277487 |
Figueroa High School | 76.403037 | 76.539974 | 76.884344 | 77.151369 |
Ford High School | 77.361345 | 77.672316 | 76.918058 | 76.179963 |
Griffin High School | 82.044010 | 84.229064 | 83.842105 | 83.356164 |
# Reading scores by grade
r_ninth = students.loc[students['grade'] == '9th'].groupby("school")
ninth_read = r_ninth['reading_score'].mean()
r_tenth = students.loc[students['grade'] == '10th'].groupby("school")
tenth_read = r_tenth['reading_score'].mean()
r_eleventh = students.loc[students['grade'] == '11th'].groupby("school")
eleventh_read = r_eleventh['reading_score'].mean()
r_twelfth = students.loc[students['grade'] == '12th'].groupby("school")
twelfth_read = r_twelfth['reading_score'].mean()
# Create dataframe for reading scores summary
read_summary = pd.DataFrame({"9th": ninth_read,
"10th": tenth_read,
"11th": eleventh_read,
"12th": twelfth_read})
read_summary = read_summary[["9th","10th","11th","12th"]]
del read_summary.index.name
9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | |
Bailey High School | 81.303155 | 80.907183 | 80.945643 | 80.912451 |
Cabrera High School | 83.676136 | 84.253219 | 83.788382 | 84.287958 |
Figueroa High School | 81.198598 | 81.408912 | 80.640339 | 81.384863 |
Ford High School | 80.632653 | 81.262712 | 80.403642 | 80.662338 |
Griffin High School | 83.369193 | 83.706897 | 84.288089 | 84.013699 |
# Create bins
bins = [0,585,615,645,675]
# Create names for the bins
spending_range = ['<$585','$585-615','$615-645','$645-675']
# Change formatting of per student budget in school_summary from string back to float so it can be binned
school_summary['Per Student Budget'] = school_summary['Per Student Budget'].str.replace('$', '')
school_summary['Per Student Budget'] = school_summary['Per Student Budget'].astype(float)
school_summary["Spending Ranges (Per Student)"] = pd.cut(school_summary["Per Student Budget"],
bins, labels=spending_range)
spend_summary = school_summary.groupby("Spending Ranges (Per Student)")
spend_summary = spend_summary[["Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score", "% Passing Math",
"% Passing Reading", "Overall Passing Rate"]]
Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
Spending Ranges (Per Student) | |||||
<$585 | 83.455399 | 83.933814 | 93.460096 | 96.610877 | 95.035486 |
$585-615 | 83.599686 | 83.885211 | 94.230858 | 95.900287 | 95.065572 |
$615-645 | 79.079225 | 81.891436 | 75.668212 | 86.106569 | 80.887391 |
$645-675 | 76.997210 | 81.027843 | 66.164813 | 81.133951 | 73.649382 |
# Create bins
bins2 = [0, 1000, 2000, 5000]
# Create names for bins
size_range = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']
school_summary["School Size"] = pd.cut(school_summary["Total Students"],
bins2, labels=size_range)
size_summary = school_summary.groupby("School Size")
size_summary = size_summary[["Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score", "% Passing Math",
"% Passing Reading", "Overall Passing Rate"]]
Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
School Size | |||||
Small | 83.821598 | 83.929843 | 93.550225 | 96.099437 | 94.824831 |
Medium | 83.374684 | 83.864438 | 93.599695 | 96.790680 | 95.195187 |
Large | 77.746417 | 81.344493 | 69.963361 | 82.766634 | 76.364998 |
type_summary = school_summary.groupby("School Type")
type_summary = type_summary[["Average Math Score", "Average Reading Score", "% Passing Math",
"% Passing Reading", "Overall Passing Rate"]]
Average Math Score | Average Reading Score | % Passing Math | % Passing Reading | Overall Passing Rate | |
School Type | |||||
Charter | 83.473852 | 83.896421 | 93.620830 | 96.586489 | 95.103660 |
District | 76.956733 | 80.966636 | 66.548453 | 80.799062 | 73.673757 |