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FloatZone: a compiler-based sanitizer to detect spatial and temporal memory errors in C/C++ programs using lightweight checks that leverage the Floating Point Unit (FPU).



(Tested on system running Ubuntu 22.04, glibc 2.35, and a stock v5.15 Linux kernel)

sudo apt install ninja-build cmake gcc-9 autoconf2.69 bison build-essential flex texinfo libtool zlib1g-dev
pip3 install psutil terminaltables

How to install

git clone --recurse-submodules

Edit and update FLOATZONE_TOP with the full path where you cloned this repository.

(OPTIONAL) To run SPEC benchmarks, update also the variable FLOATZONE_SPEC06 with the full path of your SPEC installation.

Then, load the environment in your current shell:


IMPORTANT: always ensure to load in your terminal before doing any of the following steps

Finally, let's install everything. This will take a while since LLVM is quite a big project:


How to test FloatZone is working

Compile the example buggy.c and uaf.c

cd examples
make clean
make uaf

This is the expected output:

./buggy_floatzone_run_base 15
./buggy_floatzone_run_base 16

!!!! [FLOATZONE] Fault addr = 0x7fffffffdc10 !!!!
0x7fffffffdbd0: e0 11 40 00 
0x7fffffffdbd4: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdbd8: 00 dc ff ff 
0x7fffffffdbdc: ff 7f 00 00 
0x7fffffffdbe0: 40 d0 ff f7 
0x7fffffffdbe4: ff 7f 00 00 
0x7fffffffdbe8: 2e 12 40 00 
0x7fffffffdbec: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdbf0: 89 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdbf4: 8b 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdbf8: 8b 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdbfc: 8b 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdc00: 41 41 41 41 
0x7fffffffdc04: 41 41 41 41 
0x7fffffffdc08: 41 41 41 41 
0x7fffffffdc0c: 41 41 41 41 
0x7fffffffdc10: 89 8b 8b 8b  <-----
0x7fffffffdc14: 8b 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdc18: 8b 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdc1c: 8b 8b 8b 8b 
0x7fffffffdc20: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc24: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc28: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc2c: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc30: a0 3d 40 00 
0x7fffffffdc34: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc38: 90 7d 74 f1 
0x7fffffffdc3c: ff 7f 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc40: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc44: 00 00 00 00 
0x7fffffffdc48: e0 11 40 00 
0x7fffffffdc4c: 00 00 00 00 

Fault RIP = 0x40123d
 - [0] ./buggy_floatzone_run_base() [0x40123d]
 - [1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7ffff1747d90]
 - [2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7ffff1747e40]
 - [3] /home/sec23_ae/floatzone/runtime/ [0x7ffff19502fa]
 - [4] ./buggy_floatzone_run_base() [0x401095]



To run SPEC06 benchmarks simply run the following command:

python3 run spec2006 default_O2 asan_O2 floatzone_O2 --build --parallel=proc --parallelmax=1

This will run baseline, ASan and FloatZone all together.

To compute the respective time and memory overhead do: (substitute run.2023-06-20.15-37-32/ with your result folder)

python3 report spec2006 results/run.2023-06-20.15-37-32/ --aggregate geomean --field runtime:median maxrss:median

This is an expected output:

+ spec2006 aggregated data ----------------------------------------------+
|               asan_O2          default_O2         floatzone_O2         |
|               runtime maxrss   runtime    maxrss  runtime      maxrss  |
|benchmark      median  median   median     median  median       median  |
|400.perlbench  427      5517864 107        1235732 154          2893056 |
|401.bzip2      301      3581624 196        3448396 254          3550160 |
|403.gcc        237     13467288  83.9      4259380 163          8043360 |
|429.mcf        145      1935800 110        1718588 118          1718428 |
|433.milc       156       982764 130         697832 144          1020312 |
|444.namd       188        61280 121          49808 142            49892 |
|445.gobmk      285      1368400 182         152456 217          1062460 |
|447.dealII     214      1764156  99.8       816224 132          1664564 |
|450.soplex     120      1271488  76.5       564236  93.5        1231012 |
|453.povray     101       236780  44.5         7408  73.6         217624 |
|456.hmmer      236       814480 104          34004 164           607576 |
|458.sjeng      342       184764 196         180744 226           181428 |
|462.libquantum 135       366912 118         100732 123           334072 |
|464.h264ref    368       726084 156         117508 354           659368 |
|470.lbm         96.0     476048  78.5       421032  79.9         421040 |
|471.omnetpp    230       776404 121         175944 190           647448 |
|473.astar      224      1489504 157         473900 184          1118144 |
|482.sphinx3    282       413280 174          45752 229           446512 |
|483.xalancbmk  159      1472808  61.9       430504 129           831000 |
|geomean        205       939084 114         278538 155           782220 |

We can see that the ASan time overhead is 205/114=79% while FloatZone is 155/114=36%


  1. Edit runtime/wrap.c and set the CATCH_SEGFAULT macro to 1 to enable segmentation faults to also be caught (as ASan does).
  2. Enable FloatzoneExt by editing such that FLOATZONE_MODE="floatzone double_sided just_size".
  3. Make sure is loaded via source
  4. Check echo $FLOATZONE_MODE is equal to floatzone double_sided just_size.
  5. Run ./ to update the shared library.
  6. Run the following commands:
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 121
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 122
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 124
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 126
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 127
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 415
python3 run juliet floatzone_O0 --build --cwe 416

Note 1: Some Juliet test cases are random (their test case contains the word 'rand') and you may need to re-run multiple times for it to be caught.

Note 2: Juliet needs to compile with O0, so that's why we use floatzone_O0


  • Ensure source was executed in your terminal (with correct paths)
  • Ensure evyerhting is up-to-date via ./
  • For FloatZone binaries, run_base must be present in the binary file name.
  • Edit wrap.c depending on your needs (e.g. SURVIVE_EXCEPTIONS=1)