misusing the browser as your windowing/interaction/drawing layer for your c#/.net desktop applications by streaming [SVG] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics) graphics via the [WAMP] (http://wamp.ws/) v1 protocol to browsers. For some more details read the [announcement] (http://vvvv.org/blog/posh-an-svg-based-flat-ui-framework-targeting-browsers).
- Open Demo.WinForms\PoshDemo.sln
- Rightclick the solution icon -> Restore Packages
- Now it should build and run
comes with
- is an HTTP server
- serves the \web\posh.html as answer to any URL request only with a unique WebSocket port configured for each URL
- on /root it serves a listing of all saved *.xml documents
- has a WebSocket listening on the specified port
- translates RPCs that come in via WebSocket to local calls
- registers a WAMPListener on the WebSocket
- registers Posh topics (pub/sub) on WAMP (Add, Update, Remove)
- publishes Posh RPCs (Dump, SetSessionName, KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress)
- has an SvgEventCaller
- handles a RemoteContext per Session
- can publish Posh after every RPC (AutoPublish) or manually on Publish()
- acts as kind of a buffer between changes to the local and the remote SVG DOM
- keeps track of local DOM changes
- provides them in Posh form (json/xml) on demand
- is a custom ID manager for SVG
- gets SvgEventCaller from WampServer
- OnAdd(element)
- adds the element to the RemoteContext
- calls element.RegisterEvents() on the element handing it the SvgEventCaller
- registers itself on element.AttributeChanged so it can reflect those changes on the RemoteContext
- OnDelete(element)
- calls element.UnregisterEvents()
- represents a dynamic RPC for being able to be registered at the WampHost
the web/js part of posh that
- receives Posh snippets and
- manipulates the SVG DOM accordingly
- registers RPCs as eventhandler
- calls eventhandler