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Releases: vwxyzjn/portwarden

Support for Restore Backups!!

28 Mar 20:09
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What's new

With the latest version, you can now restore backups including attachments.

I have to stress that the restore feature is experimental. Since we don't handle restoration conflicts, make sure to back up with your main account and restore to a spare/alternative account


Note that you may lose your data and I am not responsible. Use the free software at your own discretion.

Check out some demos below:







v0.1.2 Encrypt backup passphrase before storing

19 Dec 06:01
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Portwarden Server

  • Encrypte backup passphrase before storing. See #17

v0.1.1 Hide the Encryption Salt!

16 Dec 03:25
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Portwarden CLI Changes

  • Used a new Salt and hide it from the users.

Portwarden Server

  • Used a new Salt and hide it from the users.
  • Integrate as the CI/CD solution

The use of new encryption salt means the previously created backup will no longer be cecryptable by the new CLI releases... However, if you need to decrypt existing backups, feel free to use previous portwarden cli builds to decrypt it.

v0.1.0 Beta Release

06 Dec 03:44
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Portwarden CLI Changes

  • Fix the bug that causes problems for users don't have attachments.
  • Fix the bug that causes decryption slices out of range.

Portwarden Server

Starting from v0.1.0, Portwarden Server is in beta phase. Users can host it and setup scheduled backups for their Bitwarden Vault.

First release! Yay!

24 Oct 06:19
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Now you can use the portwarden executable to export an encrypted version of your Bitwarden Vault as a backup.