A Java-based interpreter for Whitespace and WhitespaceAssembler
Stack operations
Operation | Breakdown | Aliases |
'push X' | push value X onto stack | #X |
'dupl' | duplicate value on top of stack | duplicate, dupe, cc |
'copy X' | copy X-th value onto stack | cp X |
'swap' | swap top two items of stack | sw |
'pop' | discard top item from stack | p |
'slide X' | discard X items after top item from stack | sl X |
Arithmetic operations (Note: Removes top two values from stack, places result of operation on top.)
Operation | Breakdown | Aliases |
'add' | add top two items | + |
'sub' | subtract top item from second to top item | subtract, - |
'mul' | multiply top two items | multiply, * |
'div' | divide second to top item by top item | divide, / |
'mod' | modulo compute remainder of the division operation of top two items | modulo, % |
Heap operations (Note: Requires address on top of stack, and a value on top of that in case of 'store'. Consumes both, if applicable; places retrieved value on top of stack in case of 'get'.)
Operation | Breakdown | Aliases |
'store X' | store value X in heap | @X |
'get' | get value from heap | ? |
Flow control operations
Operation | Breakdown | Aliases |
'label X' | create label X at this point | :X |
'call X' | call subroutine X | X() |
'jump X' | jump to label X | go to X, goto X, => X |
'jzero X' | jump to label X if top item on stack is zero | 0=> X |
'jneg X' | jump to label X if top item on stack is negative | -=> X |
'ret' | return from subroutine | return |
'exit' | exit program |
Input/Output operations
Operation | Breakdown | Aliases |
'printc' | print character | pc |
'printn' | print number | pn |
'readc' | read character | rc |
'readn' | read number | rn |
Meta operations (Note: These are not part of the Whitespace specification; they currently can only be resolved by the Kairos interpreter and will be lost in translation to Whitespace proper.)
Operation | Breakdown | Aliases |
'import X' | import WhitespaceAssembler function X into current code; duplicate imports have no effect | require |