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A simple bank configured with github workflows. The db is powered by Postgres. The API is written with Go and SQLC.

Currently there is no UI. Open up POSTMAN and try:

POST to /users with

    "username": string,
    "password": string,
    "full_name": string,
    "email": string

POST to /users/login with

    "username": string,
    "password": string

Grab the access_token (of type Bearer Token) that is returned in the response. You'll need it for every request type below.

POST to /accounts with

    "owner": string,
    "currency": "USD|CAD|EUR"

Grab your account id.

GET /accounts/:id

GET /accounts?page_id=<int>&page_size<int>

Create another user, login, and create a new account. Then do the following (don't forget your account id and access_token).

POST to /transfers with

    "from_account_id": <id of account that you are currently logged into>,
    "to_account_id": <id of the previous account you created>,
    "amount": int,
    "currency": "USD|CAD|EUR"

Log into the user account that you previously created and checkout your account(s)!