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Profiles Guidance Requirements

Nicholas Car edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 18 revisions

This page is the collaborative document in which Requirements for the Profiles Guidance Document are being ordered for placement within it.

Guidance Document headings

Headings within the Profiles Guidance Document.



What is a profile?

  • Issue 268: A vocabulary or data model can be a profile of several other vocabularies or data models at once
  • Issue 275: Profiles are "named collections of properties" or metadata terms (if not RDF)
  • Issue 276: Profiles may provide rules on cardinality of terms (including “recommended”)
  • Issue 277: Profiles may provide rules governing value validity
  • Issue 278: Profiles may express dependencies between elements of the vocabulary (if A then not B, etc.)
  • Issue 279: Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema)
  • Issue 280: Profiles should be able to indicate what external standards are expected to be applied/have been applied to the data provided
  • Issue 281: Profiles can have what is needed to drive forms for data input or for user display
  • Issue 282: Profiles may provide lists of values to pick from in order to populate data elements
  • Issue 283: Profiles can have human-readable definitions of terms and input instructions

Related work

Profile publication

What is the intention of this heading? Is it to describe canonical publication of profiles? If so, is this a Profiles Ontology thing? If not, which Requirements live here?

Administrative and descriptive metadata

The Profiles ontology

  • Issue 73: Profiles listing
  • Issue 268: A vocabulary or data model can be a profile of several other vocabularies or data models at once
  • Issue 275: Profiles are "named collections of properties" or metadata terms (if not RDF)
  • Issue 278: Profiles may express dependencies between elements of the vocabulary (if A then not B, etc.)
  • Issue 280: Profiles should be able to indicate what external standards are expected to be applied/have been applied to the data provided

Profiles constraint language(s) (proposed)

  • Issue 279: Profiles may be written in or may link to a document or schema in a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema)
  • Issue 276: Profiles may provide rules on cardinality of terms (including “recommended”)
  • Issue 277: Profiles may provide rules governing value validity
  • Issue 281: Profiles can have what is needed to drive forms for data input or for user display.
  • Issue 282: Profiles may provide lists of values to pick from in order to populate data elements
  • Issue 283: Profiles can have human-readable definitions of terms and input instructions

Examples of application

Existing profiles

Examples of new profiles

Security and Privacy


Un-ordered Requirements

These requirements are all those labeled plenary-approved within all of those labeled requirement within profile-guidance. To see this list within the Issue tracker use this link:

The Requirements are:

  • Issue 255: There needs to be a property in the profile where the rules for the descriptive content can be provided. This would apply to the entire profile.