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Warren Earle edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 9 revisions

Creeps Skills


Possible part types of a creep body:

  • WORK – ability to harvest energy, construct and repair structures, upgrade controllers.
  • MOVE – ability to move.
  • CARRY – ability to transfer energy.
  • ATTACK – ability of short-range attack.
  • RANGED_ATTACK – ability of ranged attack.
  • HEAL – ability to heal others.
  • CLAIM - ability to claim territory control.
  • TOUGH – "empty" part with the sole purpose of defense.

The effectiveness of an ability depends on the amount of parts of a corresponding type. For example, a worker creep with 3 parts of the WORK type will work 3 times as effectively as a creep with only 1 WORK part. The same applies to all the other types and actions.

Body part Build cost Effect per one body part
MOVE 50 Decreases fatigue by 2 points per tick.
WORK 100 Harvests 2 energy units from a source per tick. Builds a structure for 5 energy units per tick. Repairs a structure for 100 hits per tick consuming 1 energy unit per tick. Dismantles a structure for 50 hits per tick returning 0.25 energy unit per tick. Upgrades a controller for 1 energy unit per tick.
CARRY 50 Can contain up to 50 resource units.
ATTACK 80 Attacks another creep/structure with 30 hits per tick in a short-ranged attack.
RANGED_ATTACK 150 Attacks another single creep/structure with 10 hits per tick in a long-range attack up to 3 squares long.Attacks all hostile creeps/structures within 3 squares range with 1-4-10 hits (depending on the range).
HEAL 250 Heals self or another creep restoring 12 hits per tick in short range or 4 hits per tick at a distance.
CLAIM 600 Claims a neutral room controller. Reserves a neutral room controller for 1 tick per body part.Attacks a hostile room controller downgrade or reservation timer with 1 tick per 5 body parts.A creep with this body part will have a reduced life time of 500 ticks and cannot be renewed.
TOUGH 10 No effect, just additional hit points to the creep's body.


Each body part has its own physical weight: the more parts a creep bears, the more difficult it is for it to move. Each body part (except MOVE) generates fatigue points when the creep moves: 1 point per body part on roads, 2 on plain land, 5 on swamp. Each MOVE body part decreases fatigue points by 2 per tick. The creep cannot move when its fatigue is greater than zero.

Thus, to maintain the maximum movement speed of 1 square per tick, a creep needs to have as many MOVE parts as all the other parts of its body combined. In other words, one MOVE part can move one other part one square per tick. If a creep has less MOVE parts, its movement will be proportionally slowed which is seen by the increasing fatigue.

It's worth noting that the CARRY part generates fatigue only when it is filled with resources.

  • Creep [CARRY, WORK, MOVE] will move 1 square per tick if it does not bear energy, and 1 square per 2 ticks if loaded.
  • Creep [TOUGH, ATTACK, ATTACK, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE] will move at maximum speed of 1 square per tick.
  • Creep [TOUGH, ATTACK, ATTACK, MOVE, MOVE] will move 1 square per 2 ticks because of rounding up.


The total amount of hits a creep has depends of the amount of its body parts – 100 hits per each part. The order in which the parts were specified during the spawning of a creep also has a bearing. Under attack, the first parts to take hits are those specified first. Full damage to a part leads to complete disabling of it – the creep can no longer perform this function.

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