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Yet another OpsWorks ssh Tool (YaOWsT)

A faster way to open a ssh connection to an OpsWorks instance

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Table of Contents


$ npm install yaowst -g
$ yaowst
YaOWsT run the first time
Creating the config file and backup the existing OpenSSH config file
YaOWsT init complete, now you can edit the config file "~/.yaowst"


$ yaowst --help

Yet another OpsWorks ssh Tool

Usage: yaowst [options]

   -c, --config-file      The location of the YaOWsT config file
   -o, --ssh-config-file  The location of the OpenSSH config file
   -s, --save-mode        24/7 or all, 24/7 store no instances that started by auto scaling


Shell Commands

$ yaowst
Get running OpsWorks instances and store the hosts to the OpenSSH config file
The OpenSSH config file successful updated
4 Entries updated (instances and base config)

$ ssh opsworks_one_1
$ scp example.txt opsworks_one_1:/tmp/


  "sshOptions": {
    "StrictHostKeyChecking": "no",
    "UserKnownHostsFile": "~/.ssh/opsworks_known_hosts",
    "IdentitiesOnly": "yes",
    "User": "yaowst"
  "opsWorks": {
    "accessKeyId": "MAIN_KEY",
    "secretAccessKey": "MAIN_SECRET",
    "region": "OPSWORKS_REGION"
  "stacks": [
      "id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
      "sshOptions": {
        "IdentityFile": "~/.ssh/opsworks_yaowst.pem"
      "sshOptions": {
        "IdentityFile": "~/.ssh/opsworks_yaowst_1.pem"
      "layers": [
          "id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
          "alias": "opsworks_one-"
          "id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
          "alias": "opsworks_two-"
      "accessKeyId": "ANOTHER_KEY",
      "secretAccessKey": "ANOTHER_SECRET",
      "sshOptions": {
        "IdentityFile": "~/.ssh/opsworks_yaowst_2.pem"
      "layers": [
          "id": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee",
          "alias": "opsworks_three-"


After the first run, YaOWsT create a config file with basic settings.

The location is ~/.yaowst and has the permission 0600.

Base Config

  "opsWorks": {
    "region": "us-east-1"
  "sshOptions": {
    "StrictHostKeyChecking": "no",
    "UserKnownHostsFile": "/dev/null",
    "IdentitiesOnly": "yes"
  "stacks": []

Config with all possible settings

  "opsWorks": {
    "accessKeyId": "<Access Key ID>",
    "secretAccessKey": "<Secret Access Key>",
    "region": "<OpsWorks Region>"
  "sshConfigFile": {
    "file": null,
    "saveMode": "24/7"
  "sshOptions": {
    "StrictHostKeyChecking": "no",
    "UserKnownHostsFile": "/dev/null",
    "IdentitiesOnly": "yes"
  "stacks": [
      "id": "<OpsWorks Stack ID>",
      "accessKeyId": "<Access Key ID>",
      "secretAccessKey": "<Secret Access Key>",
      "region": "<OpsWorks Region>",
      "prefix": "aws-",
      "sshOptions": {},
      "layers": [
          "id": "<OpsWorks Layer ID>",
          "alias": "layer-1-",
          "prefix": "aws-layer-1-",
          "sshOptions": {}

Config description

  • {object} opsWorks the default IAM credentials for all stacks
    • {string} accessKeyId the access key id
    • {string} secretAccessKey the secret access key
    • {string} region the default OpsWork region
  • {object} sshConfigFile OpenSSH config file settings
    • {string|null} file if null then YaOWsT use ~/.ssh/config as OpenSSH config file else YaOWsT use this path
    • {string} saveMode 24/7 or all, 24/7 store only instances that run 24/7 (no time- or load-based instances)
  • {object} sshOptions see the OpenSSH client config manual
  • {object[]} stacks this array has all stacks
    • {string} id the OpsWorks Stack ID, if you use the layers option then you can skip this option
    • {string} [accessKeyId] overwrite the default access key id
    • {string} [secretAccessKey] overwrite the default secret access key
    • {string} [region] overwrite the default OpsWorks region
    • {string} [prefix] add this prefix to all instances in this stack, only if the layer as no alias
    • {object} [sshOptions] overwrite existing options and merge the another options
    • {object} [layers] if this option not exists then YaOWsT check all instances in this stack
      • {string} id the OpsWorks layer ID
      • {string} [alias] if the instance name has numbers then YaOWsT replace eventing before the number, if the instance name has no number then the alias value will added as prefix to the instance name
      • {string} [prefix] add this prefix to all instances in this stack, only if the layer as no alias
      • {object} [sshOptions] overwrite existing options and merge the another options


Class: Yaowst

new Yaowst(options, callback)


  • {string} configFile The location of the YaOWsT config file
  • {object} sshConfigFile
    • {string} file The location of the OpenSSH config file
    • {string} saveMode 24/7 or all, 24/7 store only instances that run 24/7

yaowst.firstInit(option, callback)

Create the YaOWsT config file and backup the existing OpenSSH config file


  • {boolean} force overwrite the YaOWsT config file, callback)

Store the instances in the OpenSSH config file


  • {string} saveMode 24/7 or all, 24/7 store no instances that started by auto scaling


The tests are with and without AWS API request, per default the tests are without API requests.

Test with API Requests

For the Tests with API Requests you must create as new OpsWorks Stack and copy some files.

The OpsWorks Stack

The Stack structure

  • The Stack need 2 Layers
  • in the first Layer one instance is online
  • in the second Layer two instances are online

The Files

Copy Files and add your IAM credentials and Ids, the files are in resources/test/

  • configOpsWorksLayer.json.default -> configOpsWorksLayer.json
  • configOpsWorksStack.json.default -> configOpsWorksStack.json
  • configYaowst.json.default -> configYaowst.json

Single test

npm test

Cross node version testing

Run tests for all relevant versions of io.js/node.js

Install nvm and all relevant versions

$ git clone ~/.nvm && cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`
$ echo "source ~/.nvm/" >> ~/.bashrc
$ nvm install 0.10
$ nvm install 0.12
$ nvm install 4
$ nvm install 6

Run the test


Cross OS and cross node version testing

For the cross os tests you can use vagrant-yaowst


If you uninstall yaowst then you must also delete the yaowst section form the ssh config file, everything between ## yaowst begin ## and ## yaowst end ##