Adafruit's new board.
Arduino IDE (sort-of).
Primarily for the C programming Language.
imported shattuck's forth like interpreter code initially with a git submodule
modded it severely for clean compile non-functioning
omitted both submodule dependencies but kept the compiler toolchain submodule available here
'git submodule update --init'
used at all, except electively for detailed informational purposes. Nothing there is compiled-against.
The board receives firmware and executes it.
Do use Arduino IDE 2.x to do the firmware upload - arduino-cli did not 'work' and is unknown (in this one git repository) to 'work' completely (it will kick out messages that indicate a conversation has taken place but that's not enough).
Or .. something was overlooked.
- blink LED on GPIO
- print to the USB serial, messages in English
- operate the NeoPixel
Each of those hit on success yesterday. Did not focus on making gains good (saving code).
Shipment arrived Saturday.
initialize repository, create minimal application, compile (no testing).