NormLens: Reading Books is Great, But Not if You Are Driving! Visually Grounded Reasoning about Defeasible Commonsense Norms (EMNLP 23)
For brief introduction, check out the project page.
To read more, check out the paper!
Commonsense norms are dependent on their context. What if the context is given by image?
Our NormLens dataset is a multimodal benchmark to evaluate how well models align with human reasoning about defeasible commonsense norms, incorporating visual grounding.
First, install the package:
git clone && cd normlens
# if you only want to download the data itself, then just run:
pip install requests tqdm
# else:
pip install -r requirements.txt # or use pip install tqdm numpy jsonlines pycocoevalcap rouge-score tabulate openai llama-index
Then unzip the dataset:
# you should see the following files in ./data
# ls ./dataset
# image/ high_agreement.jsonl mid_agreement.jsonl
First, you should bring your model's predictions into the specific format. The prediction file should be a jsonl file, where each line is a json object with the following format:
{"question_id": 924,
"answer_judgment": 2,
"answer_explanation": "You cannot have a barbecue while studying in your room."}
Then, you can evaluate your model's predictions on NormLens-HA/MA using the following command:
export REFERENCE_PATH="./high_agreement.jsonl" # or use "./mid_agreement.jsonl"
export PREDICTION_PATH="./predictions.jsonl"
export DATASET_TYPE="high_agreement" # or use "mid_agreement"
export OUTPUT_CSV_PATH="./output.csv"
python --reference-path $REFERENCE_PATH \
--prediction-path $PREDICTION_PATH \
--dataset-type $DATASET_TYPE \
--output-csv-path $OUTPUT_CSV_PATH
We provide the code to collect more data using our human-AI collaboration pipeline.
We assume you have OPENAI_API_KEY
to run GPT apis, and these scripts are for collecting data based on coco dataset. Please refer to data_collection/scripts/
about the coco dataset.
You can freely update the code to collect data based on other datasets, e.g. Sherlock or Localized Narratives as we did.
# run those scripts in order.
# STEP 1) generation
python data_collection/scripts/ --root-dir $ROOT_DIR
# STEP 2) filtration
# first filtration: to figure out the generated data that are not physically possible.
python data_collection/scripts/ --root-dir $ROOT_DIR
# second filtration: to figure out the generated data that are not morally inappropriate.
python data_collection/scripts/ --root-dir $ROOT_DIR
# output of is a json file with the following format:
# [{
# "image_path": "/net/nfs/mosaic/seungjuh/coco/val2014/COCO_val2014_000000391895.jpg",
# "image_caption": "A man with a red helmet on a small moped on a dirt road.",
# "reason": "riding the moped at a moderate speed is morally appropriate for the given image, but is morally inappropriate for a crowded city street where there are pedestrians and other vehicles.",
# "generated_example": "Image: A crowded city street\nAction: Riding the moped at a moderate speed",
# "response": [
# "It is possible, but not recommended because it can be dangerous to ride a moped in a crowded city street.",
# "No. Revised response: It is possible, but not recommended because it can be illegal and unsafe to ride a moped in a crowded city street."
# ],
# "moral_judgment": "It is morally appropriate, as long as the rider follows traffic laws and does not put themselves or others in danger."
# }, ...
# STEP 3) image retrieval
# 1. prepare llama index for image retrieval
python data_collection/scripts/ --root-dir $ROOT_DIR --datatype coco # or use "sherlock" or "narratives". You should provide the data in your root dir.
# 2. run image retrieval, example of OUTPUT_OF_MORAL_JUDGMENT_PYTHON_SCRIPT = '/net/nfs.cirrascale/mosaic/seungjuh/coco/turbo_moral_confounders/critique/v3/dataset_coco_fold0_possible_moral.json'
python data_collection/scripts/run_retrieve_with_llama_index --root-dir $ROOT_DIR --datapath OUTPUT_OF_MORAL_JUDGMENT_PYTHON_SCRIPT
You can take a look into Jupyter notebook.
Work in progress.
If you use our dataset, please cite our paper:
title={Reading Books is Great, But Not if You Are Driving! Visually Grounded Reasoning about Defeasible Commonsense Norms},
author={Seungju Han and Junhyeok Kim and Jack Hessel and Liwei Jiang and Jiwan Chung and Yejin Son and Yejin Choi and Youngjae Yu},