Data set of 400 JSON smart contract description file generated based on the UDL-SC description metamodel generated automaticly badsed on the MDA approach and using the JAVA description generator : .
We assume that we have eight smart contract categories ['Rent',' Bank ',' Sale',' 'Copyright',' NFT',' Voting',' Math',' Financial ']. The inserted data from the "UDL-SCdescriptions" data set has been indexed based on the "category" attribute. The category attribute exists in the UDL-SC description under the smart contract common characteristic class. The number of smart contracts for each category is equal respectively ['Rent'= 50 records,' Bank '= 30 records,' Sale'= 30 records,' 'Copyright'= 40 records,' NFT'= 20 records,' Voting'= 50 records,' Math'= 90 records,' Financial'= 90 records].