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rendersi1 is a personal renderer for demo purpose, easy to use and maintain.


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rendersi1 is a personal renderer for demo purpose, easy to use and maintain.
nmsplib - personal C++ library

demo video:

Table of Contents

  • Requirement
  • Build
  • Demos
  • Features
  • Architecture / Design
  • Roadmap
  • References


  • Visual Studio 2022 (C++17)
  • Windows only (sdk: 10.0.22621.0, only tested in Windows 10)
  • Vulkan or above (download from
  • CMake 3.25
  • Python 3.12.0 or above
  • Git


  • if failed to generate visual studio solution, probably due to fail to install packages in vcpkg, please execute the above step once more.

  • if your machine has different version of vulkan sdk, please pass a root path to Vulkan_findPackage() in CMakeLists.txt or set the environment variable [VULKAN_SDK]

  • if the vulkan validation layer has link to different version, please open vkconfig.exe and check the version in VkLayer_override.json
    details: []


Forward Plus Rendering

fwdp light heatmap with frustum culling

Render Graph

graph visualization profile with tracy

Voxel Cone Tracing (wip)

voxelization voxel wireframe clipmap

Physical Based Rendering

pbr pbribl

Cascaded Shadow Maps (wip)

csm cascade level


  • bindless rendering pipeline
  • render pass feature
  • shader hot reload
  • ecs
  • job system
  • editor ui
  • allocator interface

Architecture / Design

Work in progress to a multi-thread design. Support n frames in-flight, Sync only when the previous n frames has not yet completed.
Main thread handle all game logic and record render commands, it could dispatch workload to worker threads.
Render thread resolve those render commands to backend graphics api commands. It works as worker thread when there is no commands.

  • pros

    • no lock is needed
    • easy to multi thread
  • cons

    • memory usage will increase n times (multi buffer)


  • engine

    • multi thread design
  • rendering

    • debug vxgi
    • atmospheric scattering
    • bloom
    • screen space reflection
    • cascaded shadow map
      • blend between cascade level
      • fix visual problem
  • render api

    • enhance render graph
      • async compute
      • reorder
      • resource alias
      • dump graph with extra info (vk transition / our StateTrack)
    • revise texture upload
    • render queue


please go to reference