wai.annotations core module, containing core data structures and basic data loading and preprocessing techniques.
The manual is available here:
The following sections contain the help screens of the wai.annotations main commands.
usage: wai-annotations batch-split [-d DIR [DIR ...]] [-g GLOB] [--grouping-groups GROUPS]
[--grouping-regexp REGEXP] [-h] [-i FILENAME [FILENAME ...]] [-o DIR]
[--output-ext EXT] [-O NAMING] [-s SEED] [-n [SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]]]
[-r RATIO [RATIO ...]] [-v] [STAGE [STAGE ...]]
When datasets contain multiple batches, it is recommended to get the same distribution of each batch when
generating train/test/validation datasets. The 'batch-split' command allows you to generate these splits for
each batch separately, outputting .list files that can be used as input for conversion plugins (using '-I'
instead of '-i'). Furthermore, it is possible to group files within a batch that should stay together,
e.g.,images that depict the same object(s) and can be distinguished via a prefix or suffix. The grouping is
achieved via regular expression groups.
optional arguments:
-d DIR [DIR ...], --dir DIR [DIR ...]
the batch directories to look for files using the supplied glob expression (--glob)
(default: [])
-g GLOB, --glob GLOB the glob expression to apply when looking for files in the input directories (--dir),
e.g., '*.xml' (default: None)
--grouping-groups GROUPS
the comma-separated list of regular expression group indices (0: all, 1: first group,
etc) that will make up the string for identifying files to treat as single unit, e.g.:
'1,3' (default: None)
--grouping-regexp REGEXP
the regular expression with groups for combining files into groups that get treated as
a unit, e.g.: '([a-z]+)(-a|-b|-c)(-[a-z]+).csv' (default: None)
-h, --help prints this help message and exits (default: False)
each -i/--input defines a single batch that gets split separately, to be used with glob
syntax, e.g., '-i /some/where/*.xml' (default: [])
-o DIR, --output-dir DIR
the directory to store the generated splits in as files (default: *)
--output-ext EXT the extension to use for the split files (incl dot) (default: .list)
-O NAMING, --output-naming NAMING
how the generate the name for the created split files in the output directory:
enumerate|input_dir (default: input_dir)
-s SEED, --seed SEED the seed value to use for randomizing the input files (default: None)
-n [SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]], --split-names [SPLIT NAME [SPLIT NAME ...]]
the names to use for the batch splits (default: [])
-r RATIO [RATIO ...], --split-ratios RATIO [RATIO ...]
the ratios to use for the batch splits (default: [])
-v, --verbose outputs debugging information (default: False)
usage: wai-annotations convert [-h] [--macro-file FILENAME] [-v] [STAGE [STAGE ...]]
Defines the stages in a conversion pipeline: Source [ISP [ISP ...]] Sink
optional arguments:
-h, --help prints this help message and exits (default: False)
--macro-file FILENAME
the file to load macros from (default: )
-v whether to be more verbose when generating the records (default: 0)
usage: wai-annotations domains [-d] [-f {cli,markdown}] [-h] [-o DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...]] [STAGE [STAGE ...]]
Outputs information on the (data) domains available within the virtual environment.
optional arguments:
-d, --no-descriptions
whether to suppress the descriptions of the plugins (default: True)
-f {cli,markdown}, --formatting {cli,markdown}
the formatting style to print the domains in (default: cli)
-h, --help prints this help message and exits (default: False)
-o DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...], --only DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...]
restrict the set of domains to only those specified (default: [])
usage: wai-annotations plugins [-d] [-D] [-f {cli,markdown}] [-g] [-h] [-o PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]]
[-O TYPE [TYPE ...]] [-n] [STAGE [STAGE ...]]
Outputs command-line help information on one or more plugins, in plain text or markdown.
optional arguments:
-d, --no-descriptions
whether to suppress the descriptions of the plugins (default: True)
-D, --no-domains whether to suppress the domains of the plugins (default: True)
-f {cli,markdown}, --formatting {cli,markdown}
the formatting style to print the plugins in (default: cli)
-g, --group-by-type whether to group the plugins by their function (default: False)
-h, --help prints this help message and exits (default: False)
-o PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...], --only PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]
restrict the set of plugins to only those specified (default: [])
-O TYPE [TYPE ...], --only-types TYPE [TYPE ...]
restricts the set of plugins to only the specified types (can be source, sink, or
processor) (default: [])
-n, --no-options whether to suppress the options to the plugin (default: True)
Causes the conversion stream to halt when multiple dataset items have the same filename
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Speech Domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: check-duplicate-filenames
ISP that cleans speech transcripts.
- Speech Domain
usage: clean-transcript [-b] [-c CUSTOM] [-a] [-l] [-n] [-p] [-q] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
-b, --brackets removes brackets: ()[]{}〈〉 (default: False)
-c CUSTOM, --custom CUSTOM
the custom characters to remove (default: )
-a, --non-alpha-numeric
removes all characters that are not alpha-numeric (default: False)
-l, --non-letters removes all characters that are not letters (default: False)
-n, --numeric removes all numeric characters (default: False)
-p, --punctuation removes punctuation characters: :;,.!? (default: False)
-q, --quotes removes quotes: '"‘’“”‹›«» (default: False)
--verbose outputs information about processed transcripts (default: False)
Converts all annotation bounds into box regions
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: coerce-box
Converts all annotation bounds into polygon regions
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: coerce-mask
Converts images from one format to another
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
- Image Classification Domain
usage: convert-image-format -f FORMAT
optional arguments:
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
format to convert images to (default: None)
Removes annotations which fall outside certain size constraints
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: dimension-discarder [--max-area MAX_AREA] [--max-height MAX_HEIGHT] [--max-width MAX_WIDTH]
[--min-area MIN_AREA] [--min-height MIN_HEIGHT] [--min-width MIN_WIDTH]
optional arguments:
--max-area MAX_AREA the maximum area of annotations to convert (default: None)
--max-height MAX_HEIGHT
the maximum height of annotations to convert (default: None)
--max-width MAX_WIDTH
the maximum width of annotations to convert (default: None)
--min-area MIN_AREA the minimum area of annotations to convert (default: None)
--min-height MIN_HEIGHT
the minimum height of annotations to convert (default: None)
--min-width MIN_WIDTH
the minimum width of annotations to convert (default: None)
--verbose outputs information when discarding annotations (default: False)
Discards images that cannot be loaded (e.g., corrupt image file or annotations with no image)
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
- Image Classification Domain
usage: discard-invalid-images [-v]
optional arguments:
-v, --verbose whether to output debugging information (default: False)
Discards negative examples (those without annotations) from the stream
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Speech Domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: discard-negatives
Filters detected objects down to those with specified labels or, in case of image classification, removes the label if it doesn't match.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Image Classification Domain
usage: filter-labels [-l LABELS [LABELS ...]] [--min-iou FLOAT] [-r regexp] [--region x,y,w,h]
optional arguments:
-l LABELS [LABELS ...], --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
labels to use (default: [])
--min-iou FLOAT the minimum IoU (intersect over union) that the object must have with the
region in order to be considered an overlap (object detection only)
(default: 0.01)
-r regexp, --regexp regexp
regular expression for using only a subset of labels (default: None)
--region x,y,w,h region that the object must overlap with in order to be included (object
detection only). Between 0-1 the values are considered normalized, otherwise
absolute pixels. (default: None)
Filters detected objects based on their meta-data.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: filter-metadata [-c COMPARISON] [-k KEY] [-t VALUE_TYPE]
optional arguments:
the comparison to apply to the value: for bool/numeric/string '=OTHER' and
'!=OTHER' can be used, for numeric furthermore '<OTHER', '<=OTHER',
'>=OTHER', '>OTHER'. E.g.: '<3.0' for numeric types will discard any
annotations that have a value of 3.0 or larger (default: None)
-k KEY, --key KEY the key of the meta-data value to use for the filtering (default: None)
-t VALUE_TYPE, --value-type VALUE_TYPE
the data type that the value represents, available options:
bool|numeric|string (default: None)
Dummy reader that turns audio files into a classification dataset.
- Audio classification domain
usage: from-audio-files-ac [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Dummy reader that turns audio files into a speech dataset.
- Speech Domain
usage: from-audio-files-sp [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Dummy reader that turns images into an image classification dataset.
- Image Classification Domain
usage: from-images-ic [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Dummy reader that turns images into an image segmentation dataset.
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: from-images-is [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Dummy reader that turns images into an object detection dataset.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: from-images-od [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Dummy reader that turns spectra into a spectrum classification dataset.
- Spectrum Classification Domain
usage: from-spectra-sc [-I FILENAME] [-i FILENAME] [-N FILENAME] [-n FILENAME] [-o FILENAME]
[--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-I FILENAME, --inputs-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
Input files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-N FILENAME, --negatives-file FILENAME
Files containing lists of negative files (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-n FILENAME, --negative FILENAME
Files that have no annotations (can use glob syntax) (default: [])
-o FILENAME, --output-file FILENAME
optional file to write read filenames into (default: None)
--seed SEED the seed to use for randomisation (default: None)
Keeps or discards images depending on whether annotations with certain label(s) are present. Checks can be further tightened by defining regions in the image that annotations must overlap with (or not overlap at all).
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: label-present [--coordinate-separator CHAR] [--invert-regions] [-l LABELS [LABELS ...]]
[--min-iou FLOAT] [--pair-separator CHAR] [-r regexp]
[--region [x,y[;x,y[;...]] [x,y[;x,y[;...]] ...]]] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
--coordinate-separator CHAR
the separator between coordinates (default: ;)
--invert-regions Inverts the matching sense from 'labels have to overlap at least one of the
region(s)' to 'labels cannot overlap any region' (default: False)
-l LABELS [LABELS ...], --labels LABELS [LABELS ...]
explicit list of labels to check (default: [])
--min-iou FLOAT the minimum IoU (intersect over union) that the object must have with the
region(s) in order to be considered an overlap (object detection only)
(default: 0.01)
--pair-separator CHAR
the separator between the x and y of a pair (default: ,)
-r regexp, --regexp regexp
regular expression for using only a subset of labels (default: None)
--region [x,y[;x,y[;...]] [x,y[;x,y[;...]] ...]]
semicolon-separated list of comma-separated x/y pairs defining the region
that the object must overlap with in order to be included. Values between
0-1 are considered normalized, otherwise absolute pixels. (default: None)
--verbose Outputs some debugging information (default: False)
Maps object-detection labels from one set to another
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: map-labels [-m old=new]
optional arguments:
-m old=new, --mapping old=new
mapping for labels, for replacing one label string with another (eg when
fixing/collapsing labels) (default: [])
Converts image object-detection instances into image classification instances
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: od-to-ic [-m HANDLER]
optional arguments:
-m HANDLER, --multiplicity HANDLER
how to handle instances with more than one located object (default: error)
Converts image object-detection instances into image segmentation instances
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: od-to-is [--label-error] --labels LABEL [LABEL ...]
optional arguments:
--label-error whether to raise errors when an unspecified label is encountered (default is
to ignore) (default: False)
--labels LABEL [LABEL ...]
specifies the labels for each index (default: None)
Dummy ISP which has no effect on the conversion stream
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Speech Domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: passthrough
Removes annotations with polygons which fall outside certain point limit constraints
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: polygon-discarder [--max-points MAX_POINTS] [--min-points MIN_POINTS] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
--max-points MAX_POINTS
the maximum number of points in the polygon (default: None)
--min-points MIN_POINTS
the minimum number of points in the polygon (default: None)
--verbose outputs information when discarding annotations (default: False)
Removes classes from classification/image-segmentation instances
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Image Classification Domain
usage: remove-classes -c CLASS [CLASS ...]
optional arguments:
-c CLASS [CLASS ...], --classes CLASS [CLASS ...]
the classes to remove (default: None)
ISP that renames files.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Speech Domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: rename [-f NAME_FORMAT] [--verbose]
optional arguments:
-f NAME_FORMAT, --name-format NAME_FORMAT
the format for the new name. Available placeholders: - {name}: the name of
the file, without path or extension. - {ext}: the extension of the file
(incl dot). - {occurrences}: the number of times this name (excl extension)
has been encountered. - {count}: the number of files encountered so far. -
{[p]+dir}: the parent directory of the file: 'p': immediate parent, the more
the p's the higher up in the hierarchy. (default: {name}{ext})
--verbose outputs information about generated names (default: False)
ISP that selects a subset from the stream.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Speech Domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: sample [-s SEED] [-T THRESHOLD]
optional arguments:
-s SEED, --seed SEED the seed value to use for the random number generator; randomly seeded if
not provided (default: None)
the threshold to use for Random.rand(): if equal or above, sample gets
selected; range: 0-1; default: 0 (= always) (default: 0.0)
ISP which removes annotations from instances
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Speech Domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: strip-annotations
Dummy writer that just outputs audio files from classification datasets.
- Audio classification domain
usage: to-audio-files-ac [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the directory to write the audio files to (default: .)
Dummy writer that just outputs audio files from speech datasets.
- Speech Domain
usage: to-audio-files-sp [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the directory to write the audio files to (default: .)
Dummy writer that just outputs images from image classification datasets.
- Image Classification Domain
usage: to-images-ic [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the directory to write the images to (default: .)
Dummy writer that just outputs images from image segmentation datasets.
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: to-images-is [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the directory to write the images to (default: .)
Dummy writer that just outputs images from object detection datasets.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: to-images-od [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the directory to write the images to (default: .)
Dummy writer that just outputs spectra from spectrum classification datasets.
- Spectrum Classification Domain
usage: to-spectra-sc [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
the directory to write the spectra to (default: .)
Consumes audio classification instances without writing them.
- Audio classification domain
usage: to-void-ac
Consumes image classification instances without writing them.
- Image Classification Domain
usage: to-void-ic
Consumes image segmentation instances without writing them.
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: to-void-is
Consumes object detection instances without writing them.
- Image Object-Detection Domain
usage: to-void-od
Consumes spectrum classification instances without writing them.
- Spectrum Classification Domain
usage: to-void-sc
Consumes speech instances without writing them.
- Speech Domain
usage: to-void-sp
ISP which gathers labels and writes them to disk
- Image Object-Detection Domain
- Audio classification domain
- Image Classification Domain
- Spectrum Classification Domain
- Image Segmentation Domain
usage: write-labels [-f {csv,csv-headless,list,json,json-pretty}] -o FILENAME
optional arguments:
-f {csv,csv-headless,list,json,json-pretty}, --format {csv,csv-headless,list,json,json-pretty}
the file into which to write the labels (default: None)