- Telegram @neteroster
- Telegram @redapple0204
Because of the ZhongKao, the code will not be maintained by me all the time this year because the maintainers is preparing for the exam.
If you have any quetion, you can still contect me by the those ways. However, I can't sure that I can reply you.
It's a hard decision to stop maintaining this project, but it's necessary for me.
I hope that you the viewers who is watching the screen, now, can get something whether it's knowledge or something else like a kind of emotions or feelings.
We are together.
NeterOster 2017.11.29
Any code of Baidu Netdisk will not be updated anymore
vim-config: Vim config provided by @KGuan vim-config
goWiki A markdown tools written in Go goWiki(LZZ)
ARCH Linux Images arch vmdk & tar
Arch QQ Build PKGBUILD-wineqq
PCS Baidu Cloud Download Tools(Bat) bat pcs
Github issue backup tools(Powershell) github issue backup
storgeGo key-value storage system(server side), written in Go
storgeGo Python SDK Python SDK of storgeGo
ScreenFetch Yeah, just screenfetcher(shoots every 5s, automatically compressing)
goDown Multi-thread downloading tools written in Go
BaiduNetDiskCloudDownloader Baidu Netdisk offline downloader
gdrive-proxy Transit your Google Drives' files stream and get direct links
Have wonderful scripts or ideas? Create pull requests now!