Drone Cloud Platfrom is a drone ground control system (GCS) build by Vue.js and it provide user to control there ardupilot-based drone through 4G network.
We propose an eco-system of the UAV, the system including frontend service, backend API server, multi drone simulation environment, topic-subscribe broker. The pilot commanding the drone by controlling the fronend interface, the command will first forward to the backend by using Websocket, then the AMQP client in the backend server will send the command to the AMQP broker, after recieved the payload, it would follow the routing rules and forward the command to the target drone.
- Node.js LTS runtime (Install by NVM or official Website)
- Backend API server (Please setup drone-api-server first!!)
npm install
Copy env example file and rename to .env.local
cp .env.local.example .env.local
Fill in credentials
VUE_APP_MAPBOX_TOKEN=your mapbox token
Generate mapbox token(free, no need credit card) in mapbox offical website
npm run serve
Frontend service will now run on http://localhost:8080
npm run build
Initial firebase configs
firebase init
Deploy to firebase hosting
firebase deploy --only hosting
- Drone Cloud Platform Sign up
- Enter your Drone ID that shows on your App when register account