This project is a simple script that will generate a readable report for the website Quality of JS packages.
The input must be a report file generated by the Quality of JS packages crawler.
One of the purpose is to reduce the size of the report so that the website loads faster.
The algorithm can be sum up like this:
load the report generated by the crawler
for each package
- Get qualscan results and for each metrics calculate min/max/mean
- Save general metrics (npms, consumtion, etc)
For each metrics calculate percentiles
Save the report in a file
npm install
INPUT=./report/report.json OUTPUT=./report/ node index.js
INPUT The path to the file generated by the crawler
OUTPUT The path of the directory where to store the report. The name of the file is automatically generated with the date contains in the report.
INPUT=./report/report.json OUTPUT=./report/ node index.js | pino-pretty -c -t
npm run linter