Tools for the WAM CMIS project
Checks for the existence of a CollectiveAccess installation and the definition of the $COLLECTIVEACCESS_HOME
environment variable.
Other scripts use it to perform a basic sanity check before proceeding.
In scripts with set -e
, simply running the check-environment
script will cause the calling script to abort on failure.
However it is recommended to use a construct such as:
check-environment || exit 1
if [[ ! check-environment ]]; then
echo 'Environment check failed, bailing out'
exit 1
Initialisation script for providence / CMIS. This script is intended to be run once per environment, and creates all the necessary directories and performs initial clones of git repositories. Everything in this script is hardcoded, there are no arguments.
Note that this script does not do the manual configuration recommended in the subsection under deploy-wamcmis
Main deployment script for providence / CMIS.
It is recommended to run this script under a user(s) with password-less sudo access for the service
To set this up, add the following to your /etc/sudoers
file (you might need to add the writable flag to the file first):
%deployers ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service
Then create the deployers
group and add the relevant user(s) to it:
sudo addgroup deployers
sudo adduser [username] deployers
This will allow the user(s) to restart the web server automatically whenever a deployment is performed.
You may need to log out and back in if you want to add the deployers
group to your current login session.
It is also recommended to use SSH to clone the project. From the parent directory of where you want the clone to live:
git clone
Note you will need to have the correct SSH keys set up in order for this to work. See
The script will normally perform the following five steps, each of which may be switched off using command-line arguments:
- Pull latest changes from the upstream repository (
). This ensures that any code changes are being deployed. - Merge the latest changes from the local clone of repository into a new copy of the server directory. This allows multiple versions to exist on the server side-by-side.
- Create a symbolic link to the new server directory. This symlink should represent the path used in the server configuration, i.e. it is the "live" server path.
- Restart the running php5-fpm process. Without this, php5-fpm would still be running the old (cached) version of the code.
- Create a tag in the repository, and push it up to the remote repository (github). This records deployments in version control, so that diffs can be easily discovered.
deploy-wamcmis [MODE] [OPTIONS]
The mode sets the defaults for all of the options:
providence Deploy the software code for providence
cmis-local-conf Deploy the local configuration
all Deploy both providence and local configuration
The "all" mode, which is the default, is a synonym for running the
"providence" mode followed if successful by the "cmis-local-conf" mode.
Defaults shown here in (parentheses) are for the current mode (providence):
-p PATH Path to the local git repository (/data/github/providence)
-r REMOTE Remote repository to pull updates from (origin)
-b BRANCH Branch to check out before retrieving updates (master-fix)
-d PATH Path containing deployment directories (/data/cmis/collectiveaccess/providence)
-m PATH Path to the media directory (/data/cmis/collectiveaccess/media)
-i PATH Path to the import directory (/data/cmis/collectiveaccess/import)
-t NAME Name of the tag, this is used for the local subdir name and
(optionally) to create a tag in the repo (20140627114741)
-x PREFIX Prefix to use before the tag name, this is used for tag name only
-l NAME Name of the symlink to create; this should match external
configuration (current)
-s SERVICE Name of service to restart (php5-fpm)
-P Don't pull latest changes from upstream repository (false)
-D Don't deploy changes into "live" directories (false)
-M Don't create a link to external media path, use new directory
under deployment path (false)
-I Don't create a link to external import path, use new directory
under deployment path (false)
-T Don't create and push a tag (false)
-S Don't restart any service (false)
-h Show this help text and quit
The deployment script does not currently handle deployment reversals, these must be done manually. (For example, you run a deployment and then realise there is a major problem, and need to wind back to the previous release).
- To revert the running code version:
cd [target-parent-path]
to change directory to the target parent path (e.g. with defaults, this iscd /data/cmis/collectiveaccess/providence
).rm [symlink-name]
to remove the existing symbolic link (e.g. with defaults, this isrm current
).ln -s [version] [symlink-name]
with the relevant version to create a new symbolic link to the version you want to run, usually the previous version to the current one (e.g. with defaults and resetting to version 20140423154109, this isln -s 20140423154109 current
).- To restart the server:
sudo service php5-fpm restart
to restart FPM, this will ensure that the latest code is active and any previously cached PHP code is refreshed.- To remove the tag:
cd [clone-path]
to change directory to the path where the repo is cloned (e.g. with defaults, this iscd /data/github/providence
).git tag -d [tag-prefix][tag-name]
to remove the tag from the local repo (e.g. with defaults and removing a version 20140423154109, this isgit tag -d wamuseuem_20140423154109
).git push origin :refs/tags/[tag-prefix][tag-name]
to push the removal of the tag to the remote repo (e.g. with defaults and removing a version 20140423154109, this isgit push origin :refs/tags/wamuseum_20140423154109
Exports the database contents to a zipped SQL file in the current working directory, or specified directory.
export-mysql [EXPORT_PATH]
Exports an installation profile from a CollectiveAccess installation and then removes the superfluous taxonomy terms as these are loaded with the records via import scripts.
It is configured to replace the wamcmis.xml
file stored at install/profiles/xml/
by default, or in the specified directory.
export-profile [EXPORT_PATH]
Higher level script that uses export-mysql
to do the work.
Called directly by a cron job to execute backups.
Rotates backups so that only a given number are kept (number defined by $backupsToKeep in the script).
Higher level script that uses export-profile
to do the work.
Called directly by a cron job to execute backups.
Rotates backups so that only a given number are kept (number defined by $backupsToKeep in the script).
Development tool which automates switching in of a relevant setup file, which allows use of different databases and configurations.
Bash script to rebuild search indexes in parallel
rebuild-indexes ca_objects ca_list_items
Process the CA task queue with a lock file so more than a single copy doesn' run concurrently