了解hygieia基础 信息 Hygieia.DOCX
本地安装Hygieia开发用到技术栈 Hygieia主要java开发的,使用了spring boot框架,前端使用angular.js开发
前端相关:node、npm、 bower(npm install -g bower)、gulp(npm install -g gulp) 后端相关:java、spring boot、maven 数据库:mongoDB 其中数所有的据都是存储在mongoDB中
- 从github上clone hygieia基础项目 https://github.com/wanggerui/Hygieia-simple.git
- 启动MongoDB 在Mongodb的bin目录下 cmd 进行创建用户(UI同账号密码)
use dashboarddb
db.createUser({user: "dashboarduser",pwd: "dbpassword", roles: [ {role: "readWrite", db: "dashboarddb"}]})
- 启动API (默认端口:8080:不需要修改)
- 查看Hygieia/api 的application.properties 修改本地mongodb数据库信息及其余基础配置
- 加载依赖 mvn install
- 启动项目
Java -jar I:\Hygieia\Hygieia6\Hygieia\api\target\api.jar
注:修改红色部分目录 测试: http://localhost:8080/api/ping 为true
以下为api的生成口令方式:(可略过,直接启动在UI页面打印的控制台获取) java -jar I:\Hygieia\Hygieia6\Hygieia\api\target\api.jar --spring.config.location=I:\Hygieia\Hygieia6\Hygieia\api\src\main\resources\applicatio-Djasypt.encryptor.password=dbpassword
- 启动UI (默认端口:3000:不需要修改)
- 加载依赖 npm install ,bower install
- 启动项目 gulp serve 测试:启动后跳转3000页面可登录注册
- 启动collector 以scm插件gitlib为例:
- 在resources 下面修改 application.properties 修改名称,端口 github的token(网上查找生成口令)
- 启动: java -jar I:\Hygieia\Hygieia6\Hygieia\hygieia-scm-github-graphql-collector\target\github-graphql-scm-collector.jar --spring.config.location=I:\Hygieia\Hygieia6\Hygieia\hygieia-scm-github-graphql-collector\src\main\resources\application.properties
- 配置UI 1.1 Scm仓库-- git application.properties: #Database Name dbname=dashboarddb
#Database HostName - default is localhost dbhost=localhost
#Database Port - default is 27017 dbport=27017
#Database Username - default is blank #dbusername=db
#Database Password - default is blank
#Collector schedule (required) 每10分钟执行任务一次 github.cron=0 */10 * * * *
#Maximum number of days to go back in time when fetching commits git.luolix.topmitThresholdDays=60
#Optional: Error threshold count after which collector stops collecting for a collector item. Default is 2. github.errorThreshold=10 #This is the key generated using the Encryption class in core github.key=5fb4b6b***************
#personal access token generated from github and used for making authentiated calls
#github.personalAccessToken= github.personalAccessToken=a90db1*******************************
1.2 Jira
application.properties: #Collector schedule (required) dbname=dashboarddb #dbhost=localhost #dbport=27017
feature.cron=*/30 * * * * ? #feature.cron=0 */5 * * * *
#Page size for data calls (Jira maxes at 1000) feature.pageSize=100
#In-built folder housing prepared REST queries (required) feature.queryFolder=jiraapi-queries
#Jira API Query file names (String template requires the files to have .st extension) (required) feature.storyQuery=story feature.epicQuery=epic
feature.projectQuery=projectinfo feature.memberQuery=memberinfo feature.sprintQuery=sprintinfo feature.teamQuery=teaminfo feature.trendingQuery=trendinginfo
#Trending Query: Length of sprint week (not-required) #feature.sprintEndPrior=2
#Scheduled Job prior minutes to recover data created during execution time (usually, 2 minutes is enough) feature.scheduledPriorMin=2
#Delta change date that modulates the collector item task - should be about as far back as possible, in ISO format (required) feature.deltaCollectorItemStartDate=2018-01-01T00:00:00.000000
#Jira Connection Details feature.jiraBaseUrl=http://10.45.*.*:8080 feature.jiraQueryEndpoint=rest/api/2/
#64-bit encoded credentials with the pattern username:password
#on a mac you con create them with : echo "username:password" | base64 #reference: https://www.base64decode.org/
#Start dates from which to begin collector data, if no other data is present - usually, a month back is appropriate (required) feature.deltaStartDate=2019-02-01T00:00:00.000000 feature.masterStartDate=2019-02-01T00:00:00.000000
#In Jira, general IssueType IDs are associated to various "issue" #attributes. However, there is one attribute which this collector's #queries rely on that change between different instantiations of Jira. #Please provide a String Name reference to your instance's IssueType for #the lowest level of Issues (e.g., "user story") specific to your Jira #instance. Note: You can retrieve your instance's IssueType Name #listings via the following URI: https://[your-jira-domain-name]/rest/api/2/issuetype/ #Multiple comma-separated values can be specified. #feature.jiraIssueTypeNames=Story,Epic,Task,Sub-task feature.jiraIssueTypeNames=故事,缺陷,任务,子任务,Epic
#In Jira, your instance will have its own custom field created for "sprint" or "timebox" details, #which includes a list of information. This field allows you to specify that data field for your #instance of Jira. Note: You can retrieve your instance's sprint data field name #via the following URI, and look for a package name com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint; #your custom field name describes the values in this field: #https://[your-jira-domain-name]/rest/api/2/issue/[some-issue-name] feature.jiraSprintDataFieldName=customfield_10001
#In Jira, your instance will have its own custom field created for "super story" or "epic" back-end ID, #which includes a list of information. This field allows you to specify that data field for your instance #of Jira. Note: You can retrieve your instance's epic ID field name via the following URI where your #queried user story issue has a super issue (e.g., epic) tied to it; your custom field name describes the #epic value you expect to see, and is the only field that does this for a given issue: #https://[your-jira-domain-name]/rest/api/2/issue/[some-issue-name] feature.jiraEpicIdFieldName=customfield_11800 #feature.jiraEpicIdFieldName=customfield_10008 #customfield_11800
#In Jira, your instance will have its own custom field created for "story points" #This field allows you to specify that data field for your instance #of Jira. Note: You can retrieve your instance's storypoints ID field name via the following URI where your #queried user story issue has story points set on it; your custom field name describes the #story points value you expect to see: #https://[your-jira-domain-name]/rest/api/2/issue/[some-issue-name] feature.jiraStoryPointsFieldName=customfield_10006
#In Jira, your instance will have its own custom field created for "team" #This field allows you to specify that data field for your instance #of Jira. Note: You can retrieve your instance's team ID field name via the following URI where your #queried user story issue has team set on it; your custom field name describes the #team value you expect to see: #https://[your-jira-domain-name]/rest/api/2/issue/[some-issue-name] feature.jiraTeamFieldName=
#Set this to true if you use boards as team #feature.jiraBoardAsTeam=false feature.jiraBoardAsTeam=true
#Story,Bug,Task,Sub-Task,Epic feature.jiraStoryIds[0]=11739 feature.jiraStoryIds[1]=11900 feature.jiraStoryIds[2]=10106 feature.jiraStoryIds[3]=10102 feature.jiraEpicId=11800
1.3 Jenkins
application.properties: #Database Name dbname=dashboarddb
#jenkins.servers[0]=http://localhost:8181/jenkins/ jenkins.servers[0]= jenkins.usernames[0]=yay jenkins.apiKeys[0]=116ed4863f449d202f58e4fa290171a2b3 #上面是API Tokens,在Jenkins用户里面可以配置 #Collector schedule (required) jenkins.cron=0 0/5 * * * *
启动: java -jar D:\softwareback\devops\hygieia\Hygieia-3.0.2\collectors\build\jenkins\target\jenkins-build-collector-3.0.1.jar --spring.config.location=D:\softwareback\devops\hygieia\Hygieia-3.0.2\collectors\build\jenkins\application.properties
1.4 Scm仓库-- svn
application.properties: #Database Name dbname=dashboarddb
#Database HostName - default is localhost dbhost=localhost
#Database Port - default is 27017 dbport=27017
#Logging File location #logging.file=./logs/subversion.log
#Collector schedule (required) subversion.cron=*/30 * * * * ? #subversion.cron=0 0/5 * * * * #subversion.cron=0 */15 * * * *
#注意下面这种地址不要配置,用户和口令也不要配置 #subversion.host=
#Maximum number of previous days from current date, when fetching commits subversion.commitThresholdDays=30
启动: java -jar D:\softwareback\devops\hygieia\Hygieia-3.0.2\collectors\scm\subversion\target\subversion-collector-3.0.1.jar --spring.config.name=subversion --spring.config.location=D:\softwareback\devops\hygieia\Hygieia-3.0.2\collectors\scm\subversion\target\classes\application.properties
1.5 sonar #Database Name
#Database HostName - default is localhost
#Database Port - default is 27017
#Database Username - default is blank
#Database Password - default is blank
#Collector schedule (required)
sonar.cron=0 */1 * * * *
#Sonar Authentication Username - default is blank
#Sonar Authentication Password - default is blank
#Sonar Metrics
#Sonar Version - see above for semantics between version/metrics #sonar.versions[0]= #sonar.tokens[0]=1111111111111