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Example Usage
Wardz edited this page Jul 30, 2024
34 revisions
The following is only pseudo-code to illustrate how the lib is intended to be used. For real world usage examples see Gladdy, GladiusEx, Diminish or TellMeWhen.
## Interface: 80200
## Title: Your AddOn
libs/DRList-1.0/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua # Only needed if LibStub is not already embedded
-- Get lib instance.
local DRList = LibStub("DRList-1.0")
-- Table for storing all DRs
local trackedPlayers = {}
local function StartOrUpdateDRTimer(drCategory, unitGUID)
trackedPlayers[unitGUID] = trackedPlayers[unitGUID] or {}
trackedPlayers[unitGUID][drCategory] = trackedPlayers[unitGUID][drCategory] or {}
local data = trackedPlayers[unitGUID][drCategory]
if data.diminished == nil or GetTime() >= (data.expirationTime or 0) then -- is nil or DR expired
data.diminished = 1
data.diminished = DRList:NextDR(data.diminished, drCategory)
data.expirationTime = GetTime() + DRList:GetResetTime(drCategory)
-- Do your stuff here, start a frame timer, etc.
-- Then make sure to delete the category data after 18 seconds / DRList:GetResetTime().
-- You might also want to delete all data on UNIT_DIED and loading screen events.
-- (trackedPlayers[unitGUID] can be referenced in future unit events, make sure to check the expiration time per category)
-- Register a combat log event handler
local addon = CreateFrame("Frame")
addon:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
local _, eventType, _, _, _, _, _, destGUID, _, destFlags, _, spellID, _, _, auraType = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo()
-- Check all debuffs found in the combat log
if auraType == "DEBUFF" then
-- Get the DR category or exit immediately if current debuff doesn't have a DR
local category, sharedCategories = DRList:GetCategoryBySpellID(spellID)
if not category then return end
-- Check if unit that got the debuff is a player
-- You might also want to check if it's a hostile or friendly unit depending on your needs
local isPlayer = bit.band(destFlags, COMBATLOG_OBJECT_TYPE_PLAYER) ~= 0
if not isPlayer then return end
-- for PvE too: if not isPlayer and not DRList:IsPvECategory(category) then return end
-- The debuff has faded or refreshed, DR timer starts
if eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REMOVED" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" then
local drCategories = sharedCategories or { category }
--local unitID = UnitTokenFromGUID(destGUID)
for i = 1, #drCategories do -- A debuff can trigger several DR categories at once
StartOrUpdateDRTimer(drCategories[i], destGUID)