A express module that provides a simple file upload api using couchDb as file storage.
var couchFs = require('express-couchdb-fs');
app.configure(function() {
app.use(couchFs({couch: 'http://localhost:5984/fs'}));
If you would like to dynamically change which database is being used, then use
the following configuration and set the request parameter given to the name of
the database to use. The database_parameter_name
is optional and will default
app.use(couchFs({url: 'http://localhost:5984/', database_parameter_name: 'COUCH_DB' }));
The post statement can be a FORM Post or XHR2 post, the important aspect is that the body contains a file field named: uploadFile
On Success, this returns the couchdb generated document response:
ok: true,
id: xxxxx,
rev: xxxx
Grabs the file and downloads it to the client with a save as dialog.