This repository is a sample project showcasing the capabilities of Jetpack Compose, the modern Android UI toolkit. Explore and learn the fundamentals of declarative UI development with this hands-on example.
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Tool | Descriptioin |
Kotlin | Programming Language |
Kotlin Coroutines | For async operations |
Jetpack Coompose | The whole UI of the app is built in Compose |
Compose Navigation | Navigation betwen different screens |
Hilt | For dependency injection |
Room | data persistent library |
Kotlinx Serialization | To mapping json on POJO models |
Ktor Client | A network library to consume REST APIs |
There are two main modules:
module is the main module that holds all features and framework codebuildSrc
module to manage the gradle dependencies
The project code follows SOLID principles by implementing the Clean Architecture. I have used MVVM and MVI as architectural design patterns.
Waseem Abbas
Sr. Mobile Software Engineer (Android | KMP | Flutter)