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custom types and providers for IPA


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IPA Puppet module

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Puppet module to manage IPA masters, replicas and clients.

waveclaw/wavelcaw-ipa aims to use native IPA IPAs to install, configure and replicate IPA masters. Client installation is provided through the ipa_client type.

Only the replica features assume setup of an IPA master. Design is largely inspired by the Harvard Univeristy module []. Instead of largely being degined types build on exec resources this module users the IPA library created by jonwuz [].

IPA replica servers will be automatically configured with a replication agreement on the IPA primary master server.

TODO - All Puppet nodes added as clients will automatically be added to the IPA domain through exported resources.

TODO - Multiple IPA domains are supported.

A remove feature has been included to remove the IPA client from nodes including packages.


The ability to use Exported resources and Stored Configuration enabled on the Puppet master.

puppetlabs/puppetlabs-firewall module.

puppetlabs/stdlib module.


ripienaar/puppet-module-data formatted data is provided for defaults in leiu of the params pattern. See data/hiera.yaml and manifests/defaults.pp for more details.

TomPoulton/hiera-eyaml for secure passwords in YAML.


Here are a few simple usage examples. If you don't want to put your passwords in the clear, then use hiera-eyaml[].

IPA master:

    node '' {
      class { 'ipa::config':
        domain  => '',
        realm   => 'DOMAIN.NAME',
        adminpw => 'somepasswd', # Cleartext example
        dspw    => hiera('some_passwd') # Using hiera
      class { 'ipa':
        role => 'master', # Only one master per Puppet master

IPA replica:

    node '' {
      class { 'ipa::config':
        domain  => '',
        realm   => 'DOMAIN.NAME',
        adminpw => 'somepasswd',
        dspw    => 'somepasswd',
        otp     => 'onetimepasswd'
      class { 'ipa':
        role    => 'replica',

Another IPA replica:

    node '' {
      class { 'ipa::config':
        domain  => '',
        realm   => 'DOMAIN.NAME',
        adminpw => hiera('some_passwd'),
        dspw    => hiera('some_passwd'),
        otp     => hiera('one_time_passwd'),
      class { 'ipa':
        role    => 'replica',

IPA client:

    node '' {
      class { 'ipa::config':
        domain      => '',
        realm       => 'DOMAIN.NAME',
        loadbalance => true,
        ipaservers  => ['','','',''],
        # This string will show up the the description attribute of the computer account.
        desc        => 'This is an IPA client',
        otp         => hiera('one_time_passwd'),
      class { 'ipa':
        role   => 'client',
        enable => true,

Cleanup parameter:

    node '' {
      class { 'ipa':
        cleanup => true # Removes IPA completely. Mutually exclusive from master, replica and client parameters.


IPA master and replicas require a RedHat family OS.



For Details, see LICENSE.


Please report issues here. Do NOT post issues with huit or jonwuz for problems with this module.

For more information see


Puppet DSL Interface

Global ::ipa Options

Available parameters.


Configures a server to be an IPA master, replica or client.

Valid values are master, replica and client.

Defaults to 'client'.


Defines the LDAP domain.

Defaults to 'undef'.

If a DNS entry is provided that will be used as default.


Defines the Kerberos realm.

Defaults to 'undef'. If a DNS entry is provided that will be used as default.



Defines the IPA administrative user password.

Defaults to 'undef'.


Defines the IPA directory services password.

Defaults to 'undef'.


Defines an IPA client one-time-password.

Defaults to 'undef'.


Controls the option to configure a DNS zone with the IPA master setup.

Defaults to 'false'.


Defines an array of DNS forwarders to use when DNS is setup. An empty list will use the Root Nameservers.

Defaults to '[]'.


Controls the option to include any additional hostnames to be used in a load balanced IPA client configuration.

Defaults to 'false'.


Defines an array of additional hostnames to be used in a load balanced IPA client configuration.

Defaults to '[]'


Controls the option to configure automounter maps in LDAP.

Defaults to 'false'.



Controls the option to create user home directories on first login.

Defaults to 'false'.


Controls the option to configure NTP on a client.

Defaults to 'false'.


Controls the description entry of an IPA client.

Defaults to ''.


Controls the locality entry of an IPA client.

Defaults to ''.


Controls the location entry of an IPA client.

Defaults to ''.


Controls the option to configure sudo in LDAP.

Requires the master to provide sudo in LDAP.

Defaults to 'false'.


Defines the sudo user bind password.

Defaults to 'undef'.


Controls the option to start the autofs service and install the autofs package.

Requies the master to provide autofs maps in LDAP.

Defaults to 'false'.

Native Types

Most of these derive from jonwuz-ipa.


Manages user groups within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'User Groups' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

The nonposix parameter, if changed, will destroy and re-create the group.

ipa_group { 'editors':
  ensure      => 'present',
  description => 'Limited admins who can edit other users',
  gid         => '800200002',
  nonposix    => 'false',


description : String A description for the group. Defaults to the name

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

gid : Integer The gid of the group. Will be auto generated if absent

name : String The name of the group

nonposix : Boolean Whether this is a unix group or not. A true value will not create a GID for the group

Valid values are true, false.

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_group resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages Host Based Access Control rules within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Host Based Access Control -> HBAC Rules' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

Note : The parameters 'anyuser', 'anyhost', 'anyservice', if true, will set users and usergroups, hosts and hostgroups, services and servicegroups to an empty value respectively.

This allows you to keep values in your manifest and override them

  ipa_hbacrule { 'puppet admins - client':
    ensure        => 'present',
    anyhost       => 'true',
    anyservice    => 'false',
    anyuser       => 'false',
    servicegroups => ['remote unix access'],
    usergroups    => ['puppet_admins'],


anyhost : Boolean Whether this hbac rule applies to all hosts. Overrides hosts/hostgroups

Valid values are true, false.

anyservice : Boolean Whether this hbac rule applies to all services. Overrides services/servicegroups

Valid values are true, false.

anyuser : Boolean Whether this hbac rule applies to all users. Overrides users/usergroups

Valid values are true, false.

description : String A description for the hbac rule. Defaults to the name of the hbac rule

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

hostgroups : Array of strings A list of hostgroups ipa_hostgroup that this hbac rule applies to

hosts : Array of strings a list of hosts ipa_host that this hbac rule applies to

name : String The name of the hbac rule

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_hbacrule resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :

servicegroups : Array of strings A list of servicegroups ipa_hbacsvcgroup that this hbac rule applies to

services : Array of strings A list of services ipa_hbacsvc that this hbac rule applies to

usergroups : Array of strings a list of usergroups ipa_groups that this hbac rule applies to

users : Array of strings a list of users ipa_user that this hbac rule applies to


Manages Host Based Access Control servcies within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Host Based Access Control -> HBAC Services' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

ipa_hbacsvc { 'sudo':
  ensure      => 'present',
  description => 'sudo',


description : String A description for the service. Defaults to the name of the service

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

name : String The name of the service

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_hbacsvc resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages Host Based Access Control service groups within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Host Based Access Control -> HBAC Service Groups' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

ipa_hbacsvcgroup { 'remote unix access':
  ensure      => 'present',
  description => 'ssh / sudo / ftp',
  members     => ['sshd', 'sudo'],


description : String A description for the service group. Defaults to the name of the service group

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

members : Array of strings A list of services ipa_hbacsvc that constitute the service group

name : String The name of the service groups

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_hbacsvcgroup resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages host details within IPA.

This type is most useful when collected on the IPA server from exported resources.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Hosts' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

The ip_address parameter is used only on creation to populate DNS

ipa_host { '':
  ensure           => 'present',
  description      => 'Primary IPA server',
  locality         => 'Timbuktu',
  location         => 'datahall 1 rack 2',
  managedby        => "ipa.$::domain",
  operating_system => "$::operatingsystem $::operatingsystemrelease",
  platform         => $::architecture,


description : String A description for the server. Defaults to the name of the host

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

hostgroups : Array of strings A list of hostgroups this server belongs to

ip_address : String The IP address of the server. A sane default is $::ipaddress

locality : String Locality of the server

location : String Location of the server

managedby : Array of strings A list of ipa servers managing this server. Typically this is your IPA server

name : String The fully qualified hostname

operating_system : String OS of the server. A sane value is "$::operatingsystem $::operatingsystemrelease"

platform : String Platform of the server. A sane value is $::architecture

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_host resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages hostgroups within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Host Groups' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

ipa_hostgroup { 'puppet_servers':
  ensure      => 'present',
  description => 'Puppet Servers',


description : String A description for the hostgroup. Defaults to the name of the hostgroup

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

name : String The name of hte hostgroup

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_hostgroup resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages Sudo commands within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Sudo -> Sudo Commands' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

ipa_sudocmd { '/etc/init.d/puppet':
  ensure => 'present',


description : String A description for the sudo command. Defaults to the name of the sudo command

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

name : String The name of the sudo command. This is the fully qualified path to the binary. Wildcards are allowed

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_sudocmd resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages Sudo command groups within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Sudo -> Sudo Command Groups' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

ipa_sudocmdgroup { 'puppet commands':
  ensure      => 'present',
  description => 'Stuff for puppet',
  members     => ['/etc/init.d/puppet', '/usr/bin/pupet'],


description : String A description ffor the sudo command group. Defaults to the name of the sudo command group

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

members : Array of strings A list of sudo commands ipa_sudocmd that constitute the sudo command group

name : String The name of the sudo command group

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_sudocmdgroup resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :


Manages Sudo rules within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Host Based Access Control -> HBAC Rules' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

Note : The parameters 'anyuser', 'anyhost', 'anycommand', if true, will set users and usergroups, hosts and hostgroups, allow/deny_commands and allow/deny_commandgroups to an empty value respectively.

The parameters 'anyrunasuser' and 'anyrunasgroup', if true, will set runasusers / runasusergroups / runasgroups to an empty value

This allows you to keep values in your manifest and override them

ipa_sudorule { 'puppet administration - client':
  ensure              => 'present',
  allow_commandgroups => ['puppet commands'],
  anycommand          => 'false',
  anyhost             => 'true',
  anyrunasgroup       => 'false',
  anyrunasuser        => 'false',
  anyuser             => 'false',
  options             => ['!authenicate'],
  usergroups          => ['puppet_admins'],


allow_commandgroups : Array of strings A list of commandgroups ipa_sudocmdgroup that the sudo rule allows to be run

allow_commands : Array of strings A list of commands ipa_sudocmd that the sudo rule allows to be run

anycommand : Boolean Whether this sudo rule applies to all commands. Overrides allow/deny_command(group)s

Valid values are true, false.

anyhost : Boolean Whether this sudo rule applies to all hosts. Overrides hosts/hostgroups

Valid values are true, false.

anyrunasgroup : Boolean Whether this sudo rule can run as any group. Overrides runasuser/runasusergroups/runasgroup

Valid values are true, false.

anyrunasuser : Boolean Whether this sudo rule can run as any user. Overrides runasuser/runasusergroups/runasgroup

Valid values are true, false.

anyuser : Boolean Whether this sudo rule applies to all users. Overrides users/usergroups

Valid values are true, false.

deny_commandgroups : Array of strings A list of commandgroups ipa_sudocmdgroup that the sudo rule prevents from running

deny_commands : Array of strings A list of commands ipa_sudocmd that the sudo rule prevents from running

description : String A description for the sudo rule. Defaults to hte name of the sudo rule

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

hostgroups : Array of strings A list of hostgroups ipa_hostgroup that the sudo rule applies to

hosts : Array of strings A list of hosts ipa_host that the sudo rule applies to

name : String The name of the sudo rule

options : Array of strings A list of options that the sudo rule. i.e. ["!authenticatei"]

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_sudorule resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :

runasgroups : Array of strings A list of usergroups ipa_group that the sudo commands in the rule can be run as

runasusergroups : Array of strings A list of usergroups ipa_groups that contain users that the sudo commands in the rule can be run as

runasusers : Array of strings A list of users ipa_user that the sudo commands in the rule can be run as

usergroups : Array of strings A list of usergroups ipa_group whose users are permitted to run the commands in the sudo rule

users : Array of strings A list of users ipa_user permitted to run the commands in the sudo rule


Manages user accounts within IPA.

Typically the properties are as they appear in the 'Users' section of the web interface, lowercased, with underscores replacing spaces. Properties that take an array are pluralized.

The password parameter is only used on create and is not ensurable.

ipa_user { 'john':
  ensure            => 'present',
  first_name        => 'John',
  last_name         => 'Wibble',
  full_name         => "$first_name $last_name"
  uid               => '800200001',
  gecos             => "usr_$name_$uid",
  home_directory    => "/home/$name",
  login_shell       => '/bin/bash',
  ssh_public_keys   => 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EA ... e5JmsDLkkA5e+XOzWzi01IVTkYXNdpTv john@auto.local',
  telephone_numbers => ['12345678'],
  usergroups        => ['admins', 'puppet_admins'],


car_license : String The users car license plate number

city : String The users city of residence

display_name : String

ensure : Whether the resource should exist or not

Valid values are present, absent.

fax_numbers : Array of strings Fax numbers for the user. Single values are converted to arrays

first_name : String

full_name : String

gecos : String The string that will appear in the comment field on unix systems for the user

gid : Integer The user ID. If unset, will be inherited from the default group

home_directory : String The users default login shell. i.e. /bin/bash. Defaults to /home/

initials : String

last_name : String

login_shell : String The users default login shell. i.e. /bin/bash

mail : String The users email address. Defaults to @domain

manager : String The users manager. This is an existing user

mobile_numbers : Array of strings Mobile numbers for the user. Single values are converted to arrays

org_unit : String The users organizational unit. Typically the department

pager_numbers : Array of strings Pager numbers for the user. Single values are converted to arrays

password : String The initial password for hte account

provider : The specific backend to use for this ipa_user resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

ipa :

ssh_public_keys : Array of strings An array of ssh public keys for the user. This allows login without passwords providing the private key is present

state : String The users state of residence

street_address : String The users street address. i.e. 57 Mount Pleasant Street

telephone_numbers : Array of strings Telephone numbers for the user. Single values are converted to arrays

title : String Users title, i.e. Mr, Ms

uid : Integer The user ID. If unset, will be automatically generated

user : (Namevar: If omitted, this parameter's value defaults to the resource's title.)

String The username, i.e. jhughesj

usergroups : Array of strings An array of groups that the user belongs to

zip : String The users zip code / post code


custom types and providers for IPA




MIT, MIT licenses found

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