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This module provides Custom Puppet Provider to handle registration and consumption of RedHat subscriptions using subscription-manager as part of Katello or RedHat Satellite 6.

This module can be used with RedHat Subscription Access Manager (SAM) but is not primarily designed to inter-operate with SAM separate from a Katello or Satellite service.

You cannot use this module to switch between SAM and other products or to SAM from a different product because of the changes in the internal name for the CA certificates.

This module is a fork of the puppet-subscription_manager module by James Laska that was in turn derived from puppet-rhnreg_ks module by Gaël Chamoulaud. This fork provides an incompatible dedicated rhsm_config resource and separates repository management from control of the Yum overrides.



This module is not for direct use with RedHat Network. For that, either use the provided resource types directly or see the Ansible playbooks available directly from RedHat. If you really want to talk to RHN directly, see the subscription_manager::ca_package parameter for how.


Since Satellite version 6.5, the goferd package has been deprecated. It is not available in current version of satellite. To use this module beyond version 5.6 with a older Satellite installation, you may want to include the service in your own Puppet code. An example is provided for the rhsmcertd case bellow.

In Satellite 6.5.x and later, the remote command execution replaces this feature. This uses the ssh service as the remove agent and does require configuration of both the user and ssh configuration. This is a topic well discussed elsewhere.

In Satellite 6.10.x and later, there is a 'Run Puppet Once' job. This uses the Remote Execution feature, typically SSH as a special user plus sudo to root.


Due to various terminology differences between RHN Satellite, the upstream Katello project and the further upstream component projects of Candlepin, The Foreman, Puppet and Dogtag the names of properties and resources may be confusing.

  • Katello Pools and Satellite Subscriptions are different things presented through the same underlying system resources. This module calls both 'pools.'
  • Satellite, unlike Katello, will require attachment to subscriptions whenever paid-for RedHat Network Channels are made available through a repository view. This module does not manage those certificates.
  • If you are using Simple Content Access to manage your RedHat subscriptions, most of the attachment process will just be ignored. You are managing your licenses elsewhere so should not rely upon information from this module to track those. Under Simple Content Access, this module will continue to use pools but they really don't matter to you or your licensing scheme.
  • RedHat SAM is an install-able RedHat supported version of the Candlepin service which uses "candlepin-cert-consumer-" package name instead of of the package name "katello-ca-consumer-". Options are provided to select which you want.


Apache License, Version 2.0. Read the LICENSE file for details of the licensing.




Classes and Defines

This module provides the standard install-config-service pattern. It also wraps the provided native resources with a convenience class to enable simple or complex deployment.

It is expected that any users not making use of default top-level import of the module will be interested in the native types for customization.


Some custom facts are provided.

A family of facts, similar to the rhsm_repo type, summarize the subscription state. See Terminology for caveats. These can return lists.

Summary of Repository state

  • rhsm_available_repos
  • rhsm_disabled_repos
  • rhsm_enabled_repos

Summary of licensing state

  • rhsm_available_pools
  • rhsm_disabled_pools
  • rhsm_enabled_pools

Generic information about the subscription to Satellite

  • rhsm_environment
  • rhsm_syspurpose (optional)
Notes on caching

The repo facts make use of a simple caching mechanism using the facts.d directory to limit connections to the Katello or Satellite server. Like the katello-agent these only pull data once a day.

The once-per day schedule is currently a hard-coded value. However the cache can be invalidated by finding and removing the cache files.

The cache files should appear as normal YAML format external fact files. These facts may actually linger on after removing the rhsm module itself. Beware that the location of external fact files is different between Puppet and facter for older versions of Puppet like 2 or 3 and facter 1.x.

Advanced SSL/TLS

The certificate authority is part of the rhsm_config type but is very useful for operations in involving subscription management. This differs slightly between Katelo, RedHat Satellte and RedHat SAM.

  • rhsm_ca_name

Of course, a fact exists about the identity of the client as known locally.

  • rhsm_identity


Setup to and register one CentOS 6 client to a Katello server using a public repository to obtain the agent.

# (Optionally) Place this code in a .pp file some where on your Puppet's modulepath
# such as a file named subscription_manager.pp in a module named repo.
# The autoloader will be triggered by the rhsm module to search for this class.
class repo::subscription_manager {
  yumrepo { 'dgoodwin-subscription-manager':
  ensure              => 'present',
  baseurl             => '$basearch/',
  descr               => 'Copr repo for subscription-manager owned by dgoodwin',
  enabled             => '1',
  gpgcheck            => '1',
  gpgkey              =>  '',
    skip_if_unavailable => 'True',

# Place this this in either a raw .pp manifest, a profile-like module or
# classify the node to require subscription_manager with these parameters in
# your ENC.
# Notice the explict call for the optional package repository to include.
class { 'subscription_manager':
    repo            => 'repo::subscription_manager',
    server_hostname => '',
    activationkey   => '',
    force           => true,
    org             => 'My_Example_Org',

Register a RedHat Enterprise 7 or CentOS 7 node to the RedHat Network with Satellite 6 using a password and username.

Note that you have to stop managing the ca\_package as you get that from RedHat as part of the OS installation.

class { 'subscription_manager':
   org           => 'My_Company_Org_in_RHN',
   username      => 'some_rhn_special_user',
   password      => 'password123',
   autosubscribe => true,
   servicelevel  => 'STANDARD',
   ca_package    => false,

Putting the explicit password in the code is a *bad* idea. Using hiera-gpg or
hiera-eyaml back-ends is strongly encouraged for this example.

Register a RedHat Enterprise 7 or CentOS 7 node to Satellite 6 using an activation key.

  class { 'subscription_manager':
     server_hostname => '',
     org             => 'My_Company_Org',
     activationkey   => '1234-key',
     autosubscribe   => true,
     servicelevel    => 'STANDARD',
     config_hash     => {
       server_prefix          => '/rhsm',
       rhsm_baseurl           => "",
       rhsm_repo_ca_cert      => '%(ca_cert_dir)s/katello-server-ca.pem',
     service_name    =>'rhsmcertd',
     force           => true,

Notice that the rhsm_repo_ca_cert must change to match the certificate provided by the katello-ca-consumer package on the Satellite server. This can be contained in the files searched by the rhsm_ca_cert fact. These are SSL certificates which do not take into account Subject Alternative Names. Only the primary name in the certificate is used to check if the client is registered to the correct server.

Register to a local RedHat SAM server. Note that rhsmcertd and goferd are optional. You will have to perform the serivice management at the top level of your puppet code.

  class { 'subscription_manager':
     server_hostname   => '',
     org               => 'My_Company_Org',
     activationkey     => '1234-key',
     ca_package_prefix => 'candlepin-cert-consumer-', # note the trailing hypen
     autosubscribe     => true,
     servicelevel      => 'PREMIUM',
     config_hash       => {
       rhsm_repo_ca_cert      => '/etc/rhsm/ca/candlepin-local.pem',
     service_name      =>'rhsmcertd',
     force             => true,
  } ~> Service ['rhsmcertd']

For this example one can see that the config_hash only needs customized entries so there is no need to provide every default.

Types and Providers

The module adds the following new types:

  • rhsm_register for managing RedHat Subscriptions
  • rhsm_config for configurating RedHat Subscriptions
  • rhsm_repo for managing RedHat Subscriptions to Repositories
  • rhsm_override for managing the Subscrption yumrepo override cache
  • rhsm_pool for managing RedHat Entitlement Pools (Satellite Subscription Collections)



  • server_hostname: Specify a registration server hostname such as
  • org: provide an organization to join (defaults to the Default_Organization). In the commerical Satellite 6 product's user interface this can be set to a template value such as <%= @host.rhsm_organization_label %>

Either an activation key or a username and password combination is needed to register. Both cannot be provided and will cause an error.

  • activationkey: The activation key to use when registering the system (cannot be used with username and password). In the commerical Satellite 6 product's user interface this can be set to a template value such as <%= @host.params['kt_activation_keys'] %>
  • password: The password to use when registering the system
  • username: The username to use when registering the system
  • pool: A specific license pool to attach the system to. Can include a default view using the formant pool-name/view-name.
  • lifecycleenv: which lifecycle environment to join at registration time (incompatible with using activation keys)
  • autosubscribe: Enable automatic subscription to repositories based on default Pool settings. Must be false when using an activation key unless specifying a service level.
  • servicelevel: provide automatic attachment to a service level in Satellite. Not applicable to katello installations.
  • release: The release command sets a sticky OS version to use when installing or updating packages. This sets a preference for the minor version of the OS, such as 6.2 or 6.3. This can prevent unplanned or unsupported operating system version upgrades when an IT environment must maintain a certified configuration.
  • force: Should the registration be forced. Use this option with caution, setting it true will cause the system to be unregistered before running 'subscription-manager register'. Default value false.

rhsm_register Examples

Register clients to RedHat Subscription Management using an activation key:

rhsm_register { '':
  server_hostname => '',
  activationkey   => '1-myactivationkey',

Register clients to RedHat Subscription management using a username and password:

rhsm_register { '':
  username        => 'myusername',
  password        => 'mypassword',
  autosubscribe   => true,
  force           => true,

Register clients to RedHat Subscription management and attach to a specific license pool:

rhsm_register { '':
  username  => 'myusername',
  password  => 'mypassword',
  pool      => 'mypoolid',


Please see man(5) RHSM.CONF for your locally supported options. There are quite a few and they require specific inputs.

rhsm_config cannot set values that are not available from the subscription-manager config sub-command.

For the rhsm.conf options that are not supported directly, it is recommended to use either the puppetlabs-stdlib file_line or one of the many modules for managing ini-format files.

rhsm_config options

See the documentation at RedHat Support for RedHat provided details on the /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf file.

The most important settings are as follows. Specific support is made for them.

  • server_hostname: Same as the title or name of the resource. In the commerical Satellite 6 product's user interface this can be set to a template value such as <%= @host.content_source.hostname %>
  • server_insecure: If HTTP is used or HTTPS with an untrusted certificate
  • server_prefix: The subscription path. Usually /subscription for RHN and /rhsm for a Katello installation.
  • rhsm_baseurl: The Content base URL in case the registration server has no content. An example would be or

rhsmcertd is not the same as Katello's goferd.

Other options can be rolled into a configuration hash and fed to the module as a whole. See init.pp and the following YAML example for details.

Do know the supported options to the specific version of subscription-manager config --help on your platform.

Options that are not supported will be ignored!

rhsm_config Examples

As a resource, the format of [section] and section.key is transformed into the puppet language compatible section_key.

rhsm_config { '':
    server_hostname              => '',
    server_insecure              => false,
    server_port                  => 443,
    server_prefix                => '/rhsm',
    server_ssl_verify_depth      => 3,
    rhsm_baseurl                 => '',
    rhsm_ca_cert_dir             => '/etc/rhsm/ca/',Code without any tests will be rejected.
    rhsm_consumercertdir         => '/etc/pki/consumer',
    rhsm_entitlementcertdir      => '/etc/pki/entitlement',
    rhsm_full_refresh_on_yum     => true,
    rhsm_manage_repos            => true,
    rhsm_pluginconfdir           => '/etc/rhsm/pluginconf_d',
    rhsm_plugindir               => '/usr/share/rhsm-plugins',
    rhsm_productcertdir          => '/etc/pki/product',
    rhsm_repo_ca_cert            => '/etc/rhsm/ca/katello-server-ca.pem',
    rhsm_report_package_profile  => 1,
    rhsmcertd_autoattachinterval => 1440,
    server_proxy_hostname        => '',
    server_proxy_user            => 'proxy_user',
    server_proxy_password        => 'proxy_password',
    server_proxy_port            => 4443,    

As a hiera data source.

 server_hostname: ''
 server_insecure:  false
 server_prefix:  '/rhsm'
 server_port:  443
 server_ssl_verify_depth:  3
 rhsm_baseurl:  ''
 rhsm_ca_cert_dir:  '/etc/rhsm/ca'
 rhsm_repo_ca_cert:  '%(ca_cert_dir)s/katello-server-ca.pem'
 rhsm_productcertdir:  '/etc/pki/product'
 rhsm_entitlementcertdir:  '/etc/pki/entitlement'
 rhsm_consumercertdir:  '/etc/pki/consumer'
 rhsm_manage_repos:  true
 rhsmcertd_certcheckinterval:  240
 rhsmcertd_autoattachinterval:  1440

Users should only need to provide the settings in config_hash that differ from any of the defaults which are used in the module.

If you are using the resource you will have to provide everything you want to set.

Note: un-setting a required default by providing a blank option will make the subscription stop working.

The default_log_level and basic module_name logging settings are available. None of the sub-modules are available. A suggestion for those would be to ship customized file-line resources to not conflict with changes created through the subscription-manager command.


rhsm_repo Parameters

If absolutely necessary the individual yum repositories can be filtered.

This cannot add new repositories, only filter existing subscribed repositories. If you require more repositories, edit your Content View(s) or Pool(s). Or just use the yumrepo native type that ships with Puppet.

  • ensure: Valid values are present, absent. Default value is present.
  • name: The name of the repository registration to filter.

rhsm_repo Examples

Example of a repository from the Server

rhsm_repo { 'rhel-6-server-java-rpms':
  ensure        => present, # equal to the enabled property
  url           => '$basearch/java-repo/os',
  content_label => 'rhel-6-java-rpms',
  id            => 'rhel-6-java-rpms',
  name          => 'RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 Server - Java (RPMs)',
  repo_type     => channel,


rhsm_override Example

This is returned by the Puppet resource command but it not manageable in a meaningful way through the type.

rhsm_repo { 'rhel-server6-epel':
  ensure        => present, # equal to the enabled property
  updated       => 2015-07-17T14:26:35.064+0000,
  created       => 2015-07-17T14:26:35.064+0000,
  content_label => 'rhel-server6-epel'
  repo_type     => override,


Subscriptions to use RHN are sold as either individual entitlements or a pools of entitlements. A given server registered to a Satellite 6 or Katello system will consume at least 1 entitlement from a Pool.

This subscription to the Pool is what enables the set of repositories to be made available on the server for further subscription.

While this type is mostly useful for exporting the registration information in detail it can also be used to force switch registrations for selected clients.

rhsm_pool Parameters

  • subscription_name: Unique Textual description of the Pool
  • ensure: Is this pool absent or present?
  • provides: Textual information about the Pool, usually same as the name.
  • sku: Stock Keeping Unit, usually for inventory tracking
  • account: Account number for this Pool of Subscriptions
  • contract: Contract details, if known
  • serial: Any serial number that is associated with the pool
  • id: ID Hash of the Pool
  • active: Is this subscription in use at the moment?
  • quantity_used: How many is used? Often licenses are sold by CPU or core so is it possible for a single server to consume several subscriptions.
  • service_type: type of service, usually relevant to official RedHat Channels
  • service_level: level of service such as STANDARD, PREMIUM or SELF-SUPPORT
  • status_details: Status detail string
  • subscription_type: Subscription - type
  • starts: Earliest date and time the subscription is valid for
  • ends: When does this subscription expire
  • system_type: Is this a physical, container or virtual system?

rhsm_pool Example

rhsm_pool { '1a2b3c4d5e6f1234567890abcdef12345':
  subscription_name => 'Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux',
  ensure            => present,
  provides          => 'EPEL',
  sku               => 1234536789012,
  contract          => 'Fancy Widgets, LTD',
  account           => '1234-12-3456-0001',
  serial            => 1234567890123456789,
  id                => 1a2b3c4d5e6f1234567890abcdef12345,
  active            => true,
  quantity_used     => 1,
  service_level     => 'STANDARD',
  service_type      => 'EOL',
  status_details    => 'expired',
  subscription_type => 'permanent',
  starts            => 06/01/2015,
  ends              => 05/24/2045,
  system_type       => physical,

Note of caution:

  • A "name" parameter may get created by Puppet's resource abstraction API for Pools.
  • The "name" parameter is an alias for the ID value. So this must match the field id in value.
  • The name of a Pool should always match the id. That is used for managing the pool. The human-friendly "name" is ignored.


Release Version

For released version the module can be installed with the Puppet module tool from the Puppet Forge. Or even added as a Puppetfile source with Puppet Enterprise or r10k or Puppet Librarian.

  puppet module install waveclaw-subscription_manager

This will install waveclaw-facter_cacheable and puppetlabs-transition as dependencies.

Note that facter_cacheable, while optional, is highly recommended to reduce load on your Foreman or Katello server.

Development Version

For pre-release code the GitHub repository can be cloned.

In your puppet modules directory:

For the original module:

    git clone

For this module:

    git clone

Ensure the module is present in your puppetmaster's own environment. The Puppet Master node doesn't have to use the module or Satellite itself. Ensure that the target node to register has pluginsync enabled. Run the agent on the target node to cause the custom types to be synced to the local libdir (puppet master --configprint libdir).

If you use the Puppet Development Kit, this module is PDK 3.0+ compatible.

Deprecation Warnings

Support for Ruby 1.8.7 and older is ad-hoc at best. Modern rake and json_pure require newer releases.

The caching functions were pushed to a difference module on the forge, waveclaw-facter_cachable. Some of the tests do not run properly under Travis CI. These are commended out in the code but can be run locally.

Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests require a working katello system, RedHat Satellite server or just a repo of pre-built dependent packages.

Customization of the spec/spec_acceptance_helper.rb and specific tests is needed to point the full tests at working servers. Otherwise some of the tests must fail.


Please file any issues or suggestions on on GitHub

Suggestions without code may be ignored. Code without any tests will be rejected.


Please follow the example42 development guidelines.

Pull requests and bug reports via GitHub are welcomed.

For Pull Requests please:

  • puppet-lint code (yes, some of the community standards are inane)
  • provide rSpec tests if possible: code that sets tests on fire won't be merged
  • Follow the module style naming standards
  • Add your name to CONTRIBUTORS if you are new

For a bug report please include or link as much as you can:

  • Code that triggers the error
  • Output of facter -p from the system where the error occurs
  • Relevant error logs (e.g. from RHSM parts or subscription-manager output)
  • Of course, the basic 'how to ask a good question' information.
  • What did you do (terminal session logs, etc)?
  • What was expected?
  • What actually happened?
  • When did it start happening?
  • Is it still happening?
  • Does it happen all the time or randomly?
  • Any other information needed to understand the error

None of this guarantees a solution. At the least a good bug report can warn others.