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Executing the full standalone Cloudlog stack

Joerg edited this page Feb 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Please read carefully

⚠️ Warning: It is your responsibility to ensure you protect your system from intruders/attacks. These commands and permissions are just examples used to get Wavelog up and running and are not a guide on how to achieve a secure system. You should review these permissions after installation and make appropriate changes if you determine that finer-grained access control is needed.

⚠️ Warning: Docker support is highly experimental, you may run into different issues when updating your existing setup, manual intervention may be needed to align tables and/or config files to the new version.


This Docker Compose script makes sure all the services are ready to run the Wavelog installation. Persistency is enabled by default on both MySQL and Wavelog

Step 1: Create docker-compose.yml

  1. Connect to the machine where you want to deploy Wavelog
  2. Create a new docker-compose.yml
  3. Paste the following code
version: '3'
    image: mysql:latest
    container_name: wavelog-mysql
      MYSQL_DATABASE: wavelog
      MYSQL_USER: wavelog
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: wavelog-pass # <- Insert a strong password here
      #- "3306:3306" # <- Uncomment these lines only if you need to expose the MySQL container to the network
      - wavelog-dbdata:/var/lib/mysql
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: phpmyadmin:latest
    container_name: wavelog-phpmyadmin
      - wavelog-mysql
      PMA_HOST: wavelog-mysql
      PMA_PORT: 3306
      PMA_USER: wavelog
      PMA_PASSWORD: wavelog-pass # <- Put same strong password here
    #restart: unless-stopped
      - "8083:80"
    image: xxxxxx/wavelog:latest
    container_name: wavelog-main
      - wavelog-mysql
      - wavelog-config:/var/www/html/application/config
      - wavelog-backup:/var/www/html/application/backup
      - wavelog-uploads:/var/www/html/application/uploads
      - "8086:80"
    restart: unless-stopped


Important notes

  • Make sure to provide a strong password in the docker-compose.yml
  • PhpMyAdmin should be stopped after the first setup and executed only for debugging purposes
  • MySQL is only accessible from the Docker environment, if you want to expose it please uncomment the ports: lines (not recommended)

Step 2: Execute the stack

  1. Execute docker compose up -d

You should see the terminal downloading some stuff and then returning to the normal blinking cursor, if no errors are shown you are good to go!

Step 3: Configure Wavelog

  1. Access Wavelog at http://ipaddress:8086/install
  2. Set:
    • Directory: leave blank
    • Website: should be set already
    • Default gridsquare: your QTH locator
    • DB Hostname: wavelog-mysql
    • DB User: wavelog
    • DB Pass: the password you entered in step 1
    • DB Name: wavelog
  3. Click on Install

Step 4: Enjoy!


When you need to upgrade your Wavelog installation, it is just needed to stop the stack, pull the new image (which is usually tagged as latest) and run the stack again.

Perform a DB backup

  1. Make sure the PhpMyAdmin image is running
  2. Open http://ipaddress:8083
  3. Go to the Export tab and click the Export button
  4. Store the SQL file in a safe place

Pull latest image

Using Portainer

I you are using Portainer, you can simply go to Stack, select the Wavelog stack, click on Editor and then Deploy without touching anything, a dialog should appear asking you if you want to pull the latest images, make sure to enable such option

Using command line

First we need to move to the folder where we created the docker-compose.yml file before

cd /path/to/docker-compose.yml
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose pull   
docker-compose up -d

Configuration after upgrade

A configuration is needed after the upgrade, open your browser to http://ipaddress:8086/install and insert the same data you set the first time, everything should be restored automatically.

Restore configuration

If something got lost during the upgrade procedure, open the PhpMyAdmin interface and restore the SQL backup

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