This plugin for Puppet installs Glassfish Application Server and adds resource types and providers for managing Glassfish domains, system-properties, jdbc-connection-pools, jdbc-resources, custom-resources, auth-realms and application deployment by using the asadmin command line tool.
- Copyright - Lars Tobias Skjong-Børsting
- Modified - Gavin Williams
- Modified - Krzysztof Suszyński
License: GPLv3
This plugin uses the executable asadmin
of Glassfish instalation. Plugin
installs Glassfish in version
as standard and using java-7-oracle
(also supports other JDK versions: java-7-oracle
, java-7-openjdk
, java-6-oracle
). It will also starts it as a service.
Simple (using defaults):
include glassfish
or explicit:
class { glassfish:
java => 'java-7-openjdk', # optional, can be one of: java-7-oracle, java-7-openjdk, java-6-oracle, java-6-openjdk
version => '', # glassfish version
extrajars => [ # extra jars to install
Domain {
user => 'gfish',
asadminuser => 'admin',
passwordfile => '/home/gfish/.aspass',
domain {
ensure => present;
ensure => present,
portbase => '5000';
ensure => absent;
Systemproperty {
user => 'gfish',
asadminuser => 'admin',
passwordfile => '/home/gfish/.aspass',
systemproperty { 'search-url':
ensure => present,
portbase => '5000',
value => '',
require => Domain['devdomain'];
Jdbcconnectionpool {
ensure => present,
user => 'gfish',
asadminuser => 'admin',
passwordfile => '/home/gfish/.aspass',
datasourceclassname => 'com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource',
resourcetype => 'javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource',
require => Glassfish['mydomain'],
jdbcconnectionpool {'MyPool':
properties => {
'password' => 'mYPasS',
'user' => 'myuser',
'url' => 'jdbc:mysql://',
'useUnicode' => true,
'characterEncoding' => 'utf8',
'characterResultSets' => 'utf',
'autoReconnect' => true,
'autoReconnectForPools' => true,
Jdbcresource {
ensure => present,
user => 'gfish',
passwordfile => '/home/gfish/.aspass',
jdbcresource { 'jdbc/MyPool':
connectionpool => 'MyPool',
Customresource {
ensure => present,
restype => 'java.util.Properties',
factoryclass => 'org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PropertiesFactory',
customresource { 'custom/SampleProperties':
properties => {
"type" => 'local',
"path" => '/tmp/published',
Application {
ensure => present,
user => 'gfish',
passwordfile => '/home/gfish/.aspass',
application {
source => '/home/gfish/pluto.war';
source => '/home/gfish/hello.war',
require => Application['pluto'];
Jvmoption {
ensure => present,
user => 'gfish',
passwordfile => '/home/gfish/.aspass',
jvmoption {
['-DjvmRoute=01', '-server']:
Authrealm {
ensure => present,
user => 'gfish',
asadminuser => 'admin',
passwordfile => '/Users/larstobi/.aspass',
authrealm {
ensure => present,
classname => 'com.sun.identity.agents.appserver.v81.AmASRealm',
properties => ['jaas-context=agentRealm:foo=bar'],
require => Domain['mydomain'];