Start a python virutal environment, then use the following command to install all the packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
#Run the applicaiton: for Linux and Mac:
export FLASK_APP=tenzin
export FLASK_ENV=development
export CONFIG_SETUP="config_default.Development"
flask run
For Windows cmd, use set instead of export:
set FLASK_APP=tenzin
set FLASK_ENV=development
set CONFIG_SETUP="config_default.Development"
flask run
For Windows PowerShell, use env: instead of export:
env:FLASK_APP = "tenzin"
env:FLASK_ENV = "development"
flask run
Visit in a browser and you should see the “Hello, World!” message. Congratulations, you’re now running your Flask web application!
#Test code To test code:
py.test -v
To measure the code coverage of your tests, use the coverage command to run pytest instead of running it directly.:
coverage run --omit */site-packages/* -m pytest
To view a simple coverage report in the terminal
coverage report --omit */site-packages/*
An HTML report allows you to see which lines were covered in each file:
coverage html--omit */site-packages/*