PGCrack is a tool made in go to bruteforce symmetrically encrypted GPG
Navigate to releases and download the latest version.
git clone --depth 1
cd PGCrack
mkdir dist
go build -o ./dist/pgcrack ./src/main.go
The compiled binary will be in dist
./pgcrack [mode] [parameters] encrypted.gpg
Get the passwords from a wordlist
Usage: ./pgcrack -w wordlist.txt [parameters] encrypted.gpg
Bruteforce using all possible combinations
Usage: ./pgcrack -i [parameters] encrypted.gpg
Use random passwords of a given length (-l
Usage: ./pgcrack -r -l <num> [parameters] encrypted.gpg
Number of threads bruteforcing simultaneously
Usage: -t <number-of-threads>
What characters will be used to compose the passwords
Usage: -c <string-containing-characters>
Example: -c "abc123"
will use 'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2' and '3' characters
Passwords length
Usage: -l <length>
Minimum/Maximum length of the passwords
Usage: --min-length <length>
/ --max-length <length>