#Title: HappiTails
- Mini-Project
- Ruby
- Objects/Classes
- Initializer
- Accessors
- gets.chomp
- Multi-file projects ('require')
- Practice creating objects
- Work on this lab in pairs
- There is a spec folder containing tests on each model.
- Make sure these tests pass before moving on.
- You are the manager at HappiTails animal shelter. You need to manage your shelter by storing and manipulating information about clients and animals.
- Make git commits as you finish each phase, so you can see the history
###Starter Code
- You are given some code and and files to get yourself started
- main.rb
- This is the file you will use to run your program with
ruby main.rb
- This is the file that will be responsible for prompting users, and taking input
- This is the file you will use to run your program with
- data.rb
- You do not need to write or change any code in this file but you may want to look at it
- Once you have created your classes this file will seed your program with data
- animal.rb, client.rb, shelter.rb
- These files are for your classes
- animal.rb has some code started for you, but the other classes you'll have to create from scratch
- spec
- These are your rspec tests to help ensure your program is working properly
- To run all your specs run
in your teminal - To run a specific set of specs run
rspec spec/<filename>
in your terminal, i.e.rspec spec/animal_spec.rb
- main.rb
###Specification: #####Objects:
- An animal should have a name.
- An animal should have an age.
- An animal should have a gender.
- An animal should have a species.
- An animal can have multiple toys.
- A client should have a name.
- A client should have a number of children.
- A client should have an age.
- A client should have a number of pets.
- The shelter should display all the clients.
- The shelter should display all the animals.
- The shelter should display all the animals.
- A client should be able to adopt an animal.
- A client should be able to put an animal up for adoption
#####Phase 0
- Type
gem install coveralls
in your terminal
#####Phase 1
- Create your Animal and Cient classes (one at a time)
- Your specs will tell you what methods are expected in each class
- Make sure you make all the specs pass for a single class before moving on to the next one
#####Phase 2
- Create your Shelter Class
- Ensure that new animals and clients can be added to the shelter
- Make sure your specs for shelter pass before moving on
#####Phase 3
- Create a basic menu
- At start, the user is prompted with a menu of options
- After selecting from the menu the task the user is prompted through the entire process
- Start with the following options
- display all animals
- display all clients
- create an animal
- create a client
- The code for these features will go in your main.rb, and function.rb files
#####Phase 4
- Expand your menu
- Add the following features
- adopt an animal
- return an animal
- Hint: when an animal is adopted or returned it will be moved between the client and shelter object
- Add the following features