Universal library for turning file system paths into file://
URLs. It does not
depend on other libraries nor nodejs built-ins and works just the same across
node and web without any polyfills.
This libary is intended to facilitate a more web friendly (or rather runtime
agnostic) alternative way to refer to files via URLs as opposed to node's path
And because node's fs
APIs accept file://
URLs in place of paths URLs can
be used without having to going bath to paths.
Correct file URLs are created for posix & windows paths regardless of host runtime OS.
import { fromPath } from "@wed-std/file-url"
//> 'file:///Users/web-std/file-url/Readme.md'
//> "file:///C:/web-std/file-url/tsconfig.json"
//> "file://"
You can use standard URLs to do resolution simply by passing a base URL, making
it effective alternative to node's path.resolve
/ path.join
new URL("baz/asdf", fromPath("/foo/bar/")).href
// file:///foo/bar/baz/asdf
new URL("../beep.txt", fromPath("/foo/bar/")).href
// file:///foo/beep.txt
new URL("/root/foo", fromPath("/foo/bar/")).href
// file:///root/foo
Standard URLs are normalized out of the box so you don't really need an
equivalent of path.normalize
// file:///foo/bar/baz/asdf/file.md
new URL("/.././file.md", fromPath("/foo/bar/baz/asdf/quux/"))
// file:///foo/bar/baz/asdf/file.md
URLs do not have equivalent of path.basename
but given that they are normalized
and use only forward slashes it's pretty straight forward:
//> bar.html
Sometimes surrounding logic with try / catch blocks introduces incidental
complexity. Library provides tryFromPath
function to keep things simple
when it makes nence
import { tryFromPath } from "@wed-std/file-url"
// Unlike `fromPath` invalid paths do not throw just return null.
const url = tryFromPath(foo) || tryFromPath(bar)
npm install @web-std/file-url