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Simple Payroll Service

This project is as POC and is organized as a monorepo that coordinates a backend and a frontend project.

The main purpose is to mitigate a locking mechanism for concurrent requests to vertical scaled node.js application.

The backend is a REST API with some different end points and the frontend is consuming that API.

Project status: in progress

Tech debits

Tech debits

Application stacks


  • Javascript
  • Express
  • Express Parser
  • Sequelize
  • SQLite
  • Redis


  • React
  • Context API
  • fetch API
  • Bootstrap css

Project tooling

  • Git
  • Eslint
  • Husky
  • Commitizen
  • npm
  • Docker
  • Jest
  • Supertest


Due the time limitation, actually only the backend have a test suite.

Rather than to write unit tests to cover the application, I decided to implement integration tests.

To test the backend application you need to navigate to it folder through your terminal in prior.

    $   cd backend

Note1: Do not start the API to test it.

Note2: Delete the file /backend/database.sqlite3, if it exists, before running the tests .

Now you can run the test suite:

    $   npm test

How to run the application?

If you don't have Docker then you can manual run it.

Manually running the applications

It is recommended to have at least the version 18 of Node.js.

You will need to have Redis installed to manual run the application


To get able to reach the frontend application and see it running integrated with the backend, you need to install it prior.

    $   npm run install:all

Please do not run npm install because it will not install both projects.

Run the applications.

This project offers a command that concurrently starts both applications.

    $   npm start

Now you can reach it through your preferred browser by accessing http://localhost:3000/.

Running the applications with Docker

  1. install the tooling
    $   npm install
    $   npm run docker

Once the containers are started, you can reach it through your preferred browser by accessing http://localhost:3000/.