This service allows you to easily work with jQuery UI dialogs from Angular.js. A working sample can be viewed on Plunker.
The service exposes three methods for controlling the dialogs. These methods are open()
, close()
, and cancel()
The open method displays a dialog. The id
argument is a unique name to identify this dialog when calling other methods on the service such as close and cancel.
The template
argument specifies the id of the script block that contains the template to use for the dialog. Here is an example template:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="dialogTemplate.html">
<!-- Controller for Dialog -->
<div ng-controller="dialogCtrl">
<!-- The form -->
First Name<br>
<input type="text" ng-model="model.firstName" /><br>
Last Name<br>
<input type="text" ng-model="model.lastName" /><br>
<!-- The buttons -->
<button ng-click="cancelClick()">Cancel</button>
<button ng-click="saveClick()">Save</button>
<button ng-click="confirmClick()">Confirm</button>
In the case above, template
would be set to "dialogTemplate.html".
The model
argument contains the data that should be passed to the dialog controller's scope. It is actually injected into the dialog controller's parent scope, but it is available as $scope.model
within the dialog.
Finally, the options
argument contains all of the jQuery UI dialog options that you would normally pass in the call to dialog(options)
The open method returns a promise that is resolved when the user closes the dialog. If the dialog controller calls dialogService.close(model), the resolve function will be called. If cancel()
is called or the user closed the dialog using the X or ESC, the reject function will be called.
Here is an example of an open call that opens a dialog whose template is in a script block assigned an id of "dialogTemplate.html":"myDialog","dialogTemplate.html",
model: {
firstName: "Jason",
lastName: "Stadler",
update: false
options: {
autoOpen: false,
modal: true
function(result) {
function(error) {
This method is typically called by the dialog controller to close the dialog. The id
argument is the same string passed to the open method. The model
is the data the dialog should pass back in the promise to the caller.
This method is typically called by the dialog controller to cancel the dialog. The id
argument is the same string passed to the open method.