This project is no longer under active development and has been archived. The repository is kept for historical purposes and read-only access. No further updates or pull requests will be considered.
Solidity Version Manager inspired by nvm & jabba. Written in Kotlin & Java, but available with no dependencies as a native image thanks to GraalVM.
Allows for you to easily install & switch between different versions of the Solidity compiler (solc) from the Terminal. Supports Linux and macOS, and Windows. Unlike other version managers for Solidity, svm has no dependencies, and is able to download native images to run directly on on all supported platforms, without any extra compilation required.
Linux & macOS:
curl -L | bash && source ~/.svm/
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-Expression (
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing
Note that on Windows, Java 8 is required as GraalVM cannot compile complex native images for Windows targets. The Powershell execution policy must also be set at such a level as to allow the powershell profile to execute successfully, and svm will not work in a vanilla command prompt (cmd.exe).
Executables used by svm are downloaded using TLS, and are served directly from the Solidity Github releases page for Windows and Linux. Unfortunately native images are not supplied for macOS, so they are downloaded from this repository.
Solidity Version Manager (
svm [command]
Available Commands:
install <version> Download and install Solidity
uninstall <version> Uninstall Solidity
use <version> Modify PATH to use specific Solidity version
current Display currently 'use'ed version
ls List installed versions
ls-remote List remote versions available for install
alias <name> <version> Resolve or update an alias
unalias <name> Delete an alias
deactivate Deactivates svm in the current shell