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Merge pull request #577 from yaroslavyaroslav/feature/encode-generic
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Generic network layer
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yaroslavyaroslav authored Jun 10, 2022
2 parents 6df7495 + 55732ab commit aa155f4
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Showing 84 changed files with 1,928 additions and 2,618 deletions.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions Sources/web3swift/API/APIMethod.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
// Web3+APIMethod.swift
// Web3swift
// Created by Yaroslav on 24.05.2022.

import Foundation
import BigInt

public typealias Hash = String // 32 bytes hash of block (64 chars length without 0x)
public typealias Receipt = Hash
public typealias Address = Hash // 20 bytes (40 chars length without 0x)
public typealias TransactionHash = Hash // 64 chars length without 0x

// FIXME: Add documentation to each method.
/// Ethereum JSON RPC API Calls
public enum APIRequest {
// MARK: - Official API
// 0 parameter in call
case gasPrice
case blockNumber
case getNetwork
case getAccounts
// ??
case estimateGas(TransactionParameters, BlockNumber)
case sendRawTransaction(Hash)
case sendTransaction(TransactionParameters)
case getTransactionByHash(Hash)
case getTransactionReceipt(Hash)
case getLogs(EventFilterParameters)
case personalSign(Address, String)
case call(TransactionParameters, BlockNumber)
case getTransactionCount(Address, BlockNumber)
case getBalance(Address, BlockNumber)

/// Returns the value from a storage position at a given address.
/// - Parameters:
/// - Address: Address
/// - Storage: slot
/// - BlockNumber: sd
case getStorageAt(Address, Hash, BlockNumber)

case getCode(Address, BlockNumber)
case getBlockByHash(Hash, Bool)
case getBlockByNumber(BlockNumber, Bool)

/// Returns fee history with a respect to given setup
/// Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete.
/// The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. Note that the estimate may be significantly more
/// than the amount of gas actually used by the transaction, for a variety of reasons including EVM mechanics and node performance.
/// - Parameters:
/// - UInt: Requested range of blocks. Clients will return less than the requested range if not all blocks are available.
/// - BlockNumber: Highest block of the requested range.
/// - [Double]: A monotonically increasing list of percentile values.
/// For each block in the requested range, the transactions will be sorted in ascending order
/// by effective tip per gas and the coresponding effective tip for the percentile will be determined, accounting for gas consumed."
case feeHistory(BigUInt, BlockNumber, [Double])

// MARK: - Additional API
/// Creates new account.
/// Note: it becomes the new current unlocked account. There can only be one unlocked account at a time.
/// - Parameters:
/// - String: Password for the new account.
case createAccount(String) // No in Eth API

/// Unlocks specified account for use.
/// If permanent unlocking is disabled (the default) then the duration argument will be ignored,
/// and the account will be unlocked for a single signing.
/// With permanent locking enabled, the duration sets the number of seconds to hold the account open for.
/// It will default to 300 seconds. Passing 0 unlocks the account indefinitely.
/// There can only be one unlocked account at a time.
/// - Parameters:
/// - Address: The address of the account to unlock.
/// - String: Passphrase to unlock the account.
/// - UInt?: Duration in seconds how long the account should remain unlocked for.
case unlockAccount(Address, String, UInt?)
case getTxPoolStatus // No in Eth API
case getTxPoolContent // No in Eth API
case getTxPoolInspect // No in Eth API

// FIXME: This conformance should be changed to `LiteralInitiableFromString`
extension Data: APIResultType { }

extension APIRequest {
var method: REST {
switch self {
default: return .POST

public var responseType: APIResultType.Type {
switch self {
case .blockNumber: return BigUInt.self
case .getAccounts: return [EthereumAddress].self
case .getBalance: return BigUInt.self
case .getBlockByHash: return Block.self
case .getBlockByNumber: return Block.self
case .gasPrice: return BigUInt.self
case .feeHistory: return Web3.Oracle.FeeHistory.self
case .getTransactionCount: return BigUInt.self
case .getCode: return Hash.self
case .getTransactionReceipt: return TransactionReceipt.self
case .createAccount: return EthereumAddress.self
case .unlockAccount: return Bool.self
case .getTransactionByHash: return TransactionDetails.self
case .sendTransaction: return Hash.self
case .sendRawTransaction: return Hash.self
case .estimateGas: return BigUInt.self
case .call: return Data.self
// FIXME: Not checked
case .getNetwork: return Int.self
case .personalSign: return Data.self
case .getTxPoolStatus: return TxPoolStatus.self
case .getTxPoolContent: return TxPoolContent.self
case .getLogs: return [EventLog].self

// FIXME: Not implemented
case .getStorageAt: return String.self
case .getTxPoolInspect: return String.self

var encodedBody: Data {
let request = RequestBody(method:, params: self.parameters)
// this is safe to force try this here
// Because request must failed to compile if it not conformable with `Encodable` protocol
return try! JSONEncoder().encode(request)

var parameters: [RequestParameter] {
switch self {
case .gasPrice, .blockNumber, .getNetwork, .getAccounts, .getTxPoolStatus, .getTxPoolContent, .getTxPoolInspect:
return [RequestParameter]()

case .estimateGas(let transactionParameters, let blockNumber):
return [RequestParameter.transaction(transactionParameters), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue)]

case let .sendRawTransaction(hash):
return [RequestParameter.string(hash)]

case let .sendTransaction(transactionParameters):
return [RequestParameter.transaction(transactionParameters)]

case .getTransactionByHash(let hash):
return [RequestParameter.string(hash)]

case .getTransactionReceipt(let receipt):
return [RequestParameter.string(receipt)]

case .getLogs(let eventFilterParameters):
return [RequestParameter.eventFilter(eventFilterParameters)]

case .personalSign(let address, let string):
// FIXME: Add second parameter
return [RequestParameter.string(address), RequestParameter.string(string)]

case .call(let transactionParameters, let blockNumber):
return [RequestParameter.transaction(transactionParameters), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue)]

case .getTransactionCount(let address, let blockNumber):
return [RequestParameter.string(address), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue)]

case .getBalance(let address, let blockNumber):
return [RequestParameter.string(address), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue)]

case .getStorageAt(let address, let hash, let blockNumber):
return [RequestParameter.string(address), RequestParameter.string(hash), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue)]

case .getCode(let address, let blockNumber):
return [RequestParameter.string(address), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue)]

case .getBlockByHash(let hash, let bool):
return [RequestParameter.string(hash), RequestParameter.bool(bool)]

case .getBlockByNumber(let block, let bool):
return [RequestParameter.string(block.stringValue), RequestParameter.bool(bool)]

case .feeHistory(let uInt, let blockNumber, let array):
return [RequestParameter.string(uInt.hexString), RequestParameter.string(blockNumber.stringValue), RequestParameter.doubleArray(array)]

case .createAccount(let string):
return [RequestParameter.string(string)]

case .unlockAccount(let address, let string, let uInt):
return [RequestParameter.string(address), RequestParameter.string(string), RequestParameter.uint(uInt ?? 0)]

var call: String {
switch self {
case .gasPrice: return "eth_gasPrice"
case .blockNumber: return "eth_blockNumber"
case .getNetwork: return "net_version"
case .getAccounts: return "eth_accounts"
case .sendRawTransaction: return "eth_sendRawTransaction"
case .sendTransaction: return "eth_sendTransaction"
case .getTransactionByHash: return "eth_getTransactionByHash"
case .getTransactionReceipt: return "eth_getTransactionReceipt"
case .personalSign: return "eth_sign"
case .getLogs: return "eth_getLogs"
case .call: return "eth_call"
case .estimateGas: return "eth_estimateGas"
case .getTransactionCount: return "eth_getTransactionCount"
case .getBalance: return "eth_getBalance"
case .getStorageAt: return "eth_getStorageAt"
case .getCode: return "eth_getCode"
case .getBlockByHash: return "eth_getBlockByHash"
case .getBlockByNumber: return "eth_getBlockByNumber"
case .feeHistory: return "eth_feeHistory"

case .unlockAccount: return "personal_unlockAccount"
case .createAccount: return "personal_createAccount"
case .getTxPoolStatus: return "txpool_status"
case .getTxPoolContent: return "txpool_content"
case .getTxPoolInspect: return "txpool_inspect"

extension APIRequest {
public static func sendRequest<Result>(with provider: Web3Provider, for call: APIRequest) async throws -> APIResponse<Result> {
/// Don't even try to make network request if the `Result` type dosen't equal to supposed by API
// FIXME: Add appropriate error thrown
guard Result.self == call.responseType else { throw Web3Error.unknownError }
let request = setupRequest(for: call, with: provider)
return try await APIRequest.send(uRLRequest: request, with: provider.session)

static func setupRequest(for call: APIRequest, with provider: Web3Provider) -> URLRequest {
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: provider.url, cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringCacheData)
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
urlRequest.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
urlRequest.httpMethod = call.method.rawValue
urlRequest.httpBody = call.encodedBody
return urlRequest

static func send<Result>(uRLRequest: URLRequest, with session: URLSession) async throws -> APIResponse<Result> {
let (data, response) = try await uRLRequest)

// FIXME: Add appropriate error thrown
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
200 ..< 400 ~= httpResponse.statusCode else { throw Web3Error.connectionError }

// FIXME: Add throwing an error from is server fails.
/// This bit of code is purposed to work with literal types that comes in Response in hexString type.
/// Currently it's just any kind of Integers like `(U)Int`, `Big(U)Int`.
if Result.self == Data.self || Result.self == UInt.self || Result.self == Int.self || Result.self == BigInt.self || Result.self == BigUInt.self {
/// This types for sure conformed with `LiteralInitiableFromString`
// FIXME: Make appropriate error
guard let U = Result.self as? LiteralInitiableFromString.Type else { throw Web3Error.unknownError }
let responseAsString = try! JSONDecoder().decode(APIResponse<String>.self, from: data)
// FIXME: Add appropriate error thrown.
guard let literalValue = U.init(from: responseAsString.result) else { throw Web3Error.unknownError }
/// `U` is a APIResponseType type, which `LiteralInitiableFromString` conforms to, so it is safe to cast that.
// FIXME: Make appropriate error
guard let asT = literalValue as? Result else { throw Web3Error.unknownError }
return APIResponse(id:, jsonrpc: responseAsString.jsonrpc, result: asT)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(APIResponse<Result>.self, from: data)

enum REST: String {
case POST
case GET

struct RequestBody: Encodable {
var jsonrpc = "2.0"
var id = Counter.increment()

var method: String
var params: [RequestParameter]

/// JSON RPC response structure for serialization and deserialization purposes.
public struct APIResponse<Result>: Decodable where Result: APIResultType {
public var id: Int
public var jsonrpc = "2.0"
public var result: Result

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