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Quickstart Guide

Parimala032 edited this page Aug 6, 2024 · 5 revisions


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Welcome to the Quick Start Guide for the Webex Meetings SDK. This guide is designed to provide developers with a concise walkthrough to swiftly set up, authorize, and test the core meeting functionalities within the Meeting SDK. By following the sequential flow of this document and integrating the provided code snippets, you'll be able to authenticate your application and create and manage your first meetings. Whether you're new to Webex's Meeting SDK or looking to brush up on the basics, this guide ensures a streamlined experience to get you up and running in no time. Let's dive in!

Import the Meetings SDK

To install the latest stable version of the Meetings SDK use either NPM or CDN.


We test against the [Active LTS]( (Long Term Support) version of Node.js and use `npm@6` to run [security audits](

The Meetings SDK is available as a nodejs module via NPM. You can install it using either yarn or npm utilities:

 yarn add webex


npm install webex


A minified version of the Meeting SDK is also provided via the unpkg or jsdelivr Content Delivery Networks (CDN). To include the CDN Meeting SDK:

 <!-- unpkg -->
 <script crossorigin src=""></script>
 <!-- jsdelivr -->
 <script crossorigin src=""></script>

If you're already using a bundler like Webpack or Rollup) you can simply import or require the package and use the above snippet, assigning the initialized webex variable to window.webex.

We also provide a meetings specific SDK via unpkg. Access by including the following code:

 <script crossorigin src=""></script>

Initialize the SDK

If you don't already have a Cisco Webex account, visit the Webex Developer Portal to create your account and retrieve your access token from the following page: Getting and Using your Personal Access Token.

To create a new Webex object, replace <AUTHORIZATION/BOT TOKEN> below with your Personal Access Token from the Developer Portal:

const Webex = import(`webex`);
const webex = Webex.init({
  credentials: {
    access_token: `<AUTHORIZATION/BOT TOKEN>`

You can only create rooms or meetings once the Webex object is ready. You'll want to attach a listener for the Webex object's ready event and proceed only after that event has fired. Here's a complete workflow:

  1. Listen for the ready event and log a message.
  2. Create a room titled "My First Room".
  3. Add Alice and then Bob to the new room.
  4. Send a "Hi Everyone" message to all the participants in the room.
// Listen for the ready event
webex.once('ready', () => {
    console.log('Authentication#initWebex() :: Webex Ready');

webex.rooms.create({ title: `My First Room` }).then(room => {
  return Promise.all([
      personEmail: ``
      personEmail: ``
  ]).then(() =>
      markdown: `**Hi Everyone**`,

Webex Object Attribute Reference

The following tables cover all of the available configuration attributes for the webex object.

Default Attributes Attribute Description Data Type Default Attribute?
1. credentials Use this object to set up credentials for authentication. Object Yes
1.a access_token Access token used to communicate with Webex. String No
1.b clientType Type of client communicating with Webex, an example would be "Web". String Yes
2. device Use this object to set the settings for the device created in Webex. Object Yes
2.a validateDomains Validate domains against the allowed domains. Boolean Yes
2.b allowedDomains The allowed domains to validate domains against. String[] No
2.c ephemeral Enable or disable "ephemeral" mode which sets a TTL of 30 minutes on the registration of the device created in Webex. Boolean Yes
3. storage Use this object to set storage properties for the webex object. Object Yes
3.a boundedAdapter Used to store information pertaining to the webex object. StorageAdapterLocalStorage Yes
3.b unboundedAdapter Used to store information outside the scope of the webex object. LocalForageStoreAdapter Yes

Credentials Attribute Description Data Type Default Attribute?
1. access_token Access token used to communicate with Webex. String No
2. clientType Type of client communicating with Webex, an example would be "Web". String Yes
3. client_id Unique client ID assigned to the developer for Oauth 2.0. String No
4. client_secret Unique client secret assigned to the developer for Oauth 2.0. String No
5. scope Scopes define the privilege level of the access token. They determine what the client can and cannot do. String No
6. redirect_uri Redirect URI points to the landing page of the developer's application after successful authentication. String No

Storage Attribute Description Data Type Default Attribute?
1. boundedAdapter Used to store information pertaining to the webex object. StorageAdapterLocalStorage Yes
2. unboundedAdapter Used to store information outside the scope of the webex object. LocalForageStoreAdapter Yes

Meetings Attribute Description Data Type Default Attribute?
1. mediaSettings Use this object to set media settings for meetings. Object No
1.a pstn Enable or disable a PSTN connection within the meeting. Boolean No
2. reconnection Use this object to set reconnection settings for a meeting. Object No
2.a enabled Enable or disable reconnection to a meeting. Boolean No
2.b autoRejoin Enable or disable automatic rejoin once a connection is restored. Boolean No
3. logging Use this object to set logging. Object No
3.a enable Enable or disable logging. Boolean No
3.b verboseEvents Enable or disable verbose level debugs. Boolean No
4. resolution Object to the resolution of the video. Object No
4.a maxWidth Maximum width of the video. Int No
4.b maxHeight Maximum height of the video. Int No
4.c idealWidth Ideal width of the video. Int No
4.d idealHeight Ideal height of the video. Int No
5. screenResolution Object to set resolution of screen share. Object No
5.a maxWidth Maximum width of the screenshare video. Int No
5.b maxHeight Maximum height of the screenshare video. Int No
5.c idealWidth Ideal width of the screenshare video. Int No
5.d idealHeight Ideal height of the screenshare video. Int No
6. bandwidth Object to set bandwidth constraints for a meeting. Object No
6.a audio Maximum bandwidth value for audio. Int No
6.b video Maximum bandwidth value for video, independent of resolution. Int No
6.c startBitrate Sets the starting bitrate for the media connection. Int No
7. videoShareFrameRate Sets the frame rate of the screenshare. Int No
8. aspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio of the video. Float No
9. autoUploadLogs When enabled, as calls are ended, SDK logs are uploaded and correlated. Boolean No
10. enableRtx Enable or disable RTP packet retransmission. Boolean No
11. receiveTranscription Enable receipt of transcription from Webex meeting services. Boolean No
12. enableExtMap Enable or disable the advertising of RTP extension mapping within the SDP during WebRTC negotiation. Boolean No
13. experimental Object to turn expermiental features on or off. Object No
13.a enableMediaNegotiatedEvent Enable or disable emission of event from meeting object when media is negotiated successfully. Boolean No
13.b enableUnifiedMeetings Enable or disable the improved meeting experience associated with a space. Refer to this help article for more details. Boolean No
13.c enableAdhocMeetings Enable or disable the creation of an instant meeting. Boolean No
14. degradationPreferences Object to set behavior of meetings when experiencing degradation. Object No
14.a maxMacroblocksLimit Set the maximum number of blocks that can be requested by the web application during a meeting. Defaults to 8192. Int No

Other Attributes Attribute Description Data Type Default Attribute?
1. appPlatform Platform or name of the application consuming the Webex Web Meetings SDK. String No
2. appVersion Version of the application consuming the Webex Web Meetings SDK. String No
3. fedRamp Set this flag to true if you are operating in the FedRAMP environment. Boolean No
4. appName Name of the application consuming the Webex Web Meetings SDK. String No

Here's a complete example Webex object:

  appPlatform: 'testClient',
  fedRamp: true,
  credentials: {
    access_token: 'your_webex_access_token',
    clientType: 'confidential',
    client_id: 'id',
    client_secret: 'secret',
    scope: 'spark:all spark:kms',
  logger: {
    level: 'debug',
    historyLength: 1000,
  appName: 'sdk-samples',
  storage: {
    boundedAdapter: new StorageAdapterLocalStorage('webex'),
    unboundedAdapter: new LocalForageStoreAdapter('web-client-internal'),
  meetings: {
    mediaSettings: {
      pstn: false,
    reconnection: {
      enabled: false,
      autoRejoin: true,
    metrics: {
      clientName: 'WEBEX_JS_SDK',
      clientType: 'WEBEX_SDK',
    logging: {
      enable: true,
      verboseEvents: true,
    resolution: {
      maxWidth: 1280,
      maxHeight: 720,
      idealWidth: 1280,
      idealHeight: 720,
    screenResolution: {
      maxWidth: 1920,
      maxHeight: 1080,
      idealWidth: 1920,
      idealHeight: 1080,
    bandwidth: {
      audio: 64000,
      video: 4000000,
      startBitrate: 2000,
    videoShareFrameRate: 30,
    aspectRatio: 1.7695852534562213,
    autoUploadLogs: true,
    enableRtx: true,
    receiveTranscription: false,
    enableExtmap: false,
    experimental: {
      enableMediaNegotiatedEvent: false,
      enableUnifiedMeetings: false,
      enableAdhocMeetings: false,
      enableTurnDiscovery: true,

Use a Proxy Agent to Open a WebSocket Connection

For consumers who are not using the SDK via the browser, it may be necessary to configure a proxy agent to connect with Mercury and open a WebSocket in a proxy environment. This can be done by configuring an agent as part of a DefaultMercuryOptions config object. The agent object will then be injected into the SDK and used in the Mercury plug-in during WebSocket construction as an option property, allowing a connection to be established via the specified proxy URL:

const webex = require(`webex`);
const HttpsProxyAgent = require('https-proxy-agent');

let httpsProxyAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent(url.parse(proxyUrl));

  config: {
    defaultMercuryOptions: {
      agent: httpsProxyAgent
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