This is a Magento 2 theme based on Bootstrap.
The theme has been designed to be overridden by project's specific theme.
For example you can override only the bootstrap-theme.less
and _variables.less
files to completely customize the look and feel of your theme.
Add this repository to Composer's repositories and then require the theme:
composer config repo.bootstrap-menu vcs
composer config repo.bootstrap-theme vcs
composer require webgriffe/theme-frontend-bootstrap "dev-master"
Then you should run Magento's setup upgrade:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Now you activate the Bootstrap Theme under Content -> Design -> Configuration.
Lastly clear Magento generated suff and caches:
rm -rf pub/static/frontend/
rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/css/frontend/
php bin/magento cache:clean
This theme is still work in progress. Here is a list of done / todo sections:
Home PageCategory PageProduct Page- Cart
- Checkout
LoginSignup- Forgot Password
Request- Set Password
- My Account
Account DashboardAccount InformationAddress Book- My Downloadable Products
My Orders- My Credit Cards
- Newsletter Subscriptions
- Billing Agreements
- My Product Reviews
- My Wish List
This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the LICENSE file.
Developed by Webgriffe®. Please, report to us any bug or suggestion by GitHub issues.