This repository should outline a minimal example with rails 6.1 and refinerycms, which fails while reloading code (in development).
It is a fresh rails project initialized with rails _6.1.7.2_ new .
. RefineryCMS has been added to the Gemfile:
# …
gem 'refinerycms', github: 'refinery/refinerycms'
To trigger the error, load/use the Refinery::Page
class, reload and load the class again:
echo 'Refinery::Page; reload!; Refinery::Page' | rails c
# >
# Running via Spring preloader in process 408055
# Loading development environment (Rails
# Switch to inspect mode.
# Refinery::Page; reload!; Refinery::Page
# Reloading...
# ~/.asdf/installs/ruby/3.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/bundler/gems/refinerycms-aee49a603860/pages/lib/refinery/pages/finder.rb:62:in `<module:Pages>': superclass mismatch for class FinderByTitle (TypeError)