This console app used to create a new Opencart setup through command line. In this app we used symfony/console.
Before using this app, you have to follow below steps:
- Upload app, project directories and composer.json file into your opencart root directory (path where you want to create opencart setup).
- Go to the path where you uploaded the above directories and file by using terminal.
- Now install the composer by executing below command from terminal:
- Syntax: curl -s | php
- Syntax: php composer.phar install
- After successfully installation of conposer, you will see "vendor" and "composer.phar" directory and file (PHP Archive).
By using this console app you can create Opencart setup for the 2.x.x.x version.
- Step1: By using terminal go to the path where you upload the app, project directories and run the below command to start the app:
- Syntax: app/console app:create-oc-setup
- Step2: Now you have to provide opencart version that you want to install.
- Supported Oc Version: , , , , , , , , , ,
- Step3: Now system will ask you to create separate directory for opencart setup (Y/N):
- Provide 'y' and 'Y' if you want to create opencart setup inside a directory.
- Provide 'n' and 'N' if you don't want to create a directory.
- Step4: If you choose 'y' or 'Y', then you have to provide the directory path for opencart setup:
- If you want to create the setup inside the current directory, then provide directory name like:
- Syntax: Opencart , /Opencart/ , /Opencart/2_0/
- If you want to create the opencart setup outside the current directory (i.e. parallel to app, project or parent directory) then provide directory name like:
- Syntax: /../Opencart , /../Opencart/ , /../Opencart/2_0/
- If you want to create the setup inside the current directory, then provide directory name like:
- Step5: After this you have to provide the correct database details:
- Hostname (e.g. localhost)
- Database Username (e.g. root)
- Database Password (e.g. password)
- Database Name (e.g. johndoe_db1)
- Port Number (e.g. 3306)
- Database Prefix (e.g. oc_)
- Opencart Admin Username (e.g. demo)
- Opencart Admin Password (e.g. demo)
- Opencart Admin Email-Id (e.g.
- Store URL for config file (e.g. http://localhost/Opencart/2_0/ ,
- Step6: After providing all the correct detail, you will get success message with admin and catalog url.