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=== Attributes for Blocks ===
Contributors: websevendev, jimedwards
Tags: gutenberg, blocks, attributes, style, aria
Requires at least: 6.2.0
Tested up to: 6.6
Requires PHP: 7.4
Stable tag: 1.0.9
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Allows to add HTML attributes to Gutenberg blocks.

== Description ==

This plugin adds additional advanced inspector controls to Gutenberg blocks that allow to add any custom HTML attributes to the block's front-end output. This allows you to add inline styles to fine-tune the block's appearance, set aria attributes to improve your site's accessibility, add data attributes to integrate with any JavaScript modules or even JavaScript DOM event attributes such as `onclick`, `onchange` or `onload`.


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I add an attribute? =
In your selected block's inspector controls (Block settings) scroll all the way to the bottom and click on "Advanced". It should contain a section called "Additional attributes".
Type an attribute name into the "Add attribute" field and press "Add" to add an attribute for the block. A new input with the attribute's name should appear below, into which you can optionally insert the attribute value.
Example attributes: `style`, `title`, `target`, `class`, `id`, `onclick`, `data-*`, `aria-*`.

= Why is the input disabled? =
When the current user doesn't have `unfiltered_html` capabilities attributes cannot be added and all existing attributes are stripped when the post is updated.

= How does it work? =
For regular blocks, attributes are added to the block save content's root element, meaning they will be rendered only on the front end and not in the editor. For dynamic blocks the attributes are added via `render_callback` function and they may also be applied in the editor, depending if the block is rendered server or client side.

= Does it work for every block? =
It should work with normal blocks that render a valid WP Element that can utilize the `blocks.getSaveContent.extraProps` filter as well as dynamic blocks that utilize a `render_callback`. Third party blocks that do something unorthodox may not work.
[Known unsupported blocks](

= Usage with Alpine.js =
`@` prefix in an attribute name is used for "override" mode in this plugin, for Alpine.js attributes use `x-on:click` instead of `@click` or use the shorthand syntax with two `@` characters instead of one: `@@click`.

= Disable block support =
The `afb_unsupported_blocks` filter can be used in your child theme's `functions.php` file to disable block support for adding additional attributes.

    add_filter('afb_unsupported_blocks', function($blocks) {
    	$blocks[] = 'core/button';
    	return $blocks;

= What happens when I disable this plugin? =
Blocks with custom attributes may become invalid, depending on which attributes you've added. From there you can recover the block without the custom attributes by clicking "Attempt Block Recovery" or keep the block with custom attributes as HTML by choosing "Convert to HTML". If you don't want to risk blocks becoming invalid you need to remove all custom attributes before disabling the plugin.

= How do I add unfiltered_html capability to user roles? =
You can modify which roles have the `unfiltered_html` capability using custom code in your theme's `functions.php` file or via a custom plugin. Only grant this capability if you trust the current and future users of that role to not do anything malicious.

    add_action('init', function() {
    	if($role = get_role('contributor')) {

== Screenshots ==

1. Adding style attribute to paragraph block

== Installation ==

= Install via admin dashboard =
1. Go to your **WordPress admin dashboard -> Plugins**.
2. Click "Add New".
3. Click "Upload Plugin".
4. Select the `` file.
5. Click "Install Now".
6. Activate the plugin from **WordPress admin dashboard -> Plugins**.

= Manual install via FTP upload =
1. Upload the folder "attributes-for-blocks" from `` file to your WordPress installations `../wp-content/plugins` folder.
2. Activate the plugin from **WordPress admin dashboard -> Plugins**.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.9 =
* Try fix issue with `current_user_can` check in `pre_kses` when `SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE` isn't defined.

= 1.0.8 =
* Try fix issue with `current_user_can` check in `pre_kses` when WP pluggable functions aren't loaded.

= 1.0.7 =
* Security update: users without `unfiltered_html` capability can no longer add attributes. When a user without the capability updates a post all existing attributes are stripped. Issue discovered by Francesco Carlucci (CVE ID: CVE-2024-8318, CVSS Severity Score: 6.4 (Medium)). The vulnerability made it possible for authenticated attackers, with Contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accessed an injected page.
* Tested up to WordPress 6.6.
* Update `@wordpress/*` packages.

= 1.0.6 =
* Tested up to WordPress 6.5.
* Fix PHP notice when rendering a block that doesn't have any attributes.
* Update `@wordpress/*` packages.

= 1.0.5 =
* Use `WP_HTML_Tag_Processor` for adding HTML attributes.
* Remove `afb_sanitize_attribute_key` and `afb_sanitize_attribute_value` filters (now handled by `WP_HTML_Tag_Processor`).
* Use `render_block` filter to apply attributes instead of overriding block's `render_callback`.
* Move all PHP code to main file for simplicity.
* Add `$attribute` param to `afb_attribute_separator` filter.
* Remove uppercase text transform from attribute input labels, use monospace font for value.
* Add button to edit attributes in a modal for more space.
* Update `@wordpress/*` packages.
* Regression: for blocks that render multiple root elements attributes are only applied to the first one.

= 1.0.4 =
* Add `afb_sanitize_attribute_key` and `afb_sanitize_attribute_value` filters.
* Catch errors when using invalid characters in attribute name/value.
* Update `@wordpress/*` packages.

= 1.0.3 =
* Update `@wordpress/*` packages.
* Test with WordPress 6.0.
* Convert advanced style attribute editor to TypeScript and refactor.
* Fix duplicate attribute values being output when the block has both JS and PHP render functions.
* Add GitHub link.
* Remove `src` folder from plugin.

= 1.0.2 =
* Add advanced editor for style attribute.
* Remove jQuery.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fix special character encoding for dynamic blocks.