The openSUSE Leap 42.3 box can be used to create a VirtualBox instance with Vagrant to install SAP NW AS ABAP 751 SP02 Developer Edition .
All recommended system preparations will be done by packer and vagrant, as described at Installing ABAP AS on Oracle VirtualBox without the proxy part (step C.3.).
The step D.1. sudo -i and FINALLY, we run the installation, by entering the command ./ must be done manually!
On OS X Packer, VirtualBox and Vagrant is available via Homebrew on Windows via Chocolatey.
$ brew install packer
$ brew install virtualbox
$ brew install vagrant
$ brew install vagrant-manager
Clone the reporitory wechris/SAPNW751SPS02.
Download and extract the sap_netweaver_as_abap_751_sp02_ase_dev_edition.partX.rar files to the folder: ./sapinst
The actual download (in the form of several .rar files), along with more information, is available here:
cd packer
cd openSUSE-42.3
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json
Only VirtualBox:
If the german keyboard is not desired, comment the following line in the vagrant file
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "install/"
If the gnome desktop is not desired, comment the following line in the vagrant file
# config.vm.provision "shell", path: "install/"
cd ../../
vagrant up --provision
Wait until the vagrant command is finished. Then restart the instance with:
vagrant reload
Login: vagrant/vagrant.
Install SAP NW AS ABAP 751 SP02 Developer Edition
The files and folder, on the same level as the vagrant file, will be available under /vagrant
sudo -i
<enter pwd>
cd /vagrant
Installation options:
- ./ – installs the Developer Edition in dark mode, the installer will configure the SAP system for usage of the physical hostname
- ./ -g– will present you a SAPINST GUI allowing you to modify certain system parameters
- ./ -h – allows you to specify your own hostname to be used by the SAP system
- ./ -s – allows you to skip the hostname check )
Read and accept the license agreement. When prompted for the OS users password enter your master password of the virtual Linux OS instance.
Start the SAP system:
- Switch to user npladm in the console : su npladm
- Start the SAP system : startsap ALL
Post and optional installation steps
Additional informations, License key and first steps follow SAP NW AS ABAP 7.51 SP2 – Developer Edition to Download: Concise Installation Guide
Start/Stop the VBox with:
vagrant up
vagrant halt