Name | McClimate Vicki Encoder |
Version | v1.0.0 |
DockerHub | weevenetwork/mcclimate-vicki-encoder |
Authors | Mesud Pasic |
Encoder for Vicki LoRaWAN's commands.
- Parsing data for thermostat
- Sends data to next module service via REST API
Environment Variables | type | Description |
EXECUTE_SINGLE_COMMAND | string | yes/no to specify if module supports only executing single command |
SINGLE_COMMAND | string | if EXECUTE_SINGLE_COMMAND=no, then users will have to provide in request "command" parameter with command name |
Environment Variables | type | Description |
MODULE_NAME | string | Name of the module |
INGRESS_HOST | string | Host where app is running |
INGRESS_PORT | string | Port where app is running |
EGRESS_URLS | string | HTTP ReST endpoint for the next module |
- forceClose,
- getAllParams,
- getChildLock,
- getInternalAlgoParams,
- getInternalAlgoTdiffParams,
- getJoinRetryPeriod,
- getKeepAliveTime,
- getOpenWindowParams,
- getOpenWindowParams,
- getOperationalMode,
- getTemperatureRange,
- getUplinkType,
- recalibrateMotor,
- receivedKeepaliveCommand,
- sendCustomHexCommand,
- setChildLock,
- setInternalAlgoParams,
- setInternalAlgoTdiffParams,
- setJoinRetryPeriod,
- setKeepAlive,
- setOpenWindow,
- setOperationalMode,
- setTargetTemperature,
- setTargetTemperatureAndMotorPosition,
- setTemperatureRange,
- setUplinkType
- All setter commands (starting with 'set') require additional parameter values that need to be passed in params argument, so payload can look like this:
"command": {
"name": "setTargetTemperature",
"params": {
"targetTemperature": 20
- If command is setup in module settings then only params need to be passed
"command": {
"params": {
"targetTemperature": 20
- Output will look like this
"status": true,
"data": "0eBE"
- where "data" is encoded value of the command, in the case params are not valid or command is invalid output will look like this
"status": false,
"message": "Bad command or params provided."
- For commands that are not setters, "command" value is only passed, params is not necessary (where EXECUTE_SINGLE_COMMAND=no)
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.19.2",
"express": "^4.17.3",
"express-winston": "^4.2.0",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
"winston": "^3.6.0"