Simple Hospital Management program made in python. This project was given to us by the school. Feel free to make pull requests.
* Sno-Serial Number of the Patient.
* Name-Name of the Patient.
* Age-Age of Patient.
* Sex-Sex of the Patient.
* Email-Email of the Patient.
* Fname-Fathers name of the Patient.
* Address-Address of the Patient.
* City-Patient’s City.
* State-State in which Patient reside.
* Height-Patient’s Height.
* Weight-Patient’s Weight.
* Doctor-Doctors Name.
* Med-Medicine Prescribed.
* Bill-Total Bill amount.
* Paymethod-Payment Method.
* Pno-Patient’s Phone number.
* Bgroup-Patient’s Blood Group.
* Dname-Disease name.
*WriteHospital()~~To input the details of the Patient.
*ReadHospital()~~To see the details of all Patient.
*SearchHospitalSno ()~~To search on the basis of Serial number.
*SearchHospitalemail ()~~To search on the basis of Email.
*SearchHospitalcontact ()~~To search on the basis of Contact number.
*SearchBloodgroup ()~~To search by Blood Group.
*SearchAge ()~~To search by Age.
*SearchSex ()~~To search on the basis of Gender.
*SearchDName ()~~To search by Disease Name.
*SearchDoctor ()~~To search on the basis of Doctors name.
*SearchPayment ()~~To delete the mobile details by Model.
*ModiHospital ()~~To delete the mobile details by Model.
*DelHospital ()~~To delete the mobile details by Model.
Made especially for CBSE board Practical Examination.
I feel meh for this project, 'cause made this in school hours, given less time.
I am also uploading doc file for this project which is required. Get hard copy of it, make changes according to yourself and voila! you CS project file ready.
This project was made by my friend -
Prakhar Srivastava