kafka consumer and producer support for riemann
In riemann.config
(kafka/kafka-consumer {:topic "events"
:zookeeper.connect "localhost:181"
:group.id "riemann.consumer"
:auto.offset.reset "smallest"
:auto.commit.enable "false"})
(let [producer (kafka/kafka-producer
{:topic "expired"
:metadata.broker.list "localhost:9091"})]
(expired producer)))
The riemann-kafka producer supports customized encoder to encode events.
A encoder is a function that expects a sequence of events and returns a Bytes object.
If you don't specify a :encoder, riemann.common/encode is used, which turns events into a protobuf.
(defn my-json-encoder
"Encode events into json, then toBytes"
(.getBytes (cheshire.core/encode events)))
(let [producer (kafka/kafka-producer
{:topic "expired"
:metadata.broker.list "localhost:9091"
:encoder my-json-encoder})]
(expired producer)))
The riemann-kafka consumer supports customized decoder to decode messages.
A decoder gets a message from kafka as a Byte object, then returns a sequence of events.
If you don't specify a :decoder, the default decoder expects the incoming message to be a riemann protobuf object.
(defn my-json-decoder
"Decode kafka message into a riemann event"
; input is a single kafka message in Bytes
; If the payload is a string, it needs to be reverted by `(String. input)`
; Return SHOULD be a seq of riemann events
(let [decoded-msg (cheshire.core/parse-string (String. input) true)]
(map riemann.common/event decoded-msg)))
(kafka/kafka-consumer {:topic "events"
:zookeeper.connect "localhost:181"
:group.id "riemann.consumer"
:auto.offset.reset "smallest"
:auto.commit.enable "false"
:decoder my-json-decoder})
You will need to build this module for now and push it on riemann's classpath, for this you will need a working JDK, JRE and leiningen.
First build the project:
lein uberjar
The resulting artifact will be in target/riemann-kafka-standalone-0.1.0.jar
You will need to push that jar on the machine(s) where riemann runs, for instance, in
If you have installed riemann from a stock package you will only need to tweak
and change
to read:
You can then use exposed functions, provided you have loaded the plugin in your configuration.